552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Around 400. Let’s see whats happens with Degritter offer. I don’t want to spend too much time on it. Just get them as clean as possible, no faff.

I am working, now back up to 5 days a week and seeing kids evenings and weekends so spare time is important. It’s a great manual machine. They don’t sell them in UK.


You can’t go wrong with a Degritter, great piece of kit

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A velvet vortex does the same thing and is a lot cheaper.

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Just wait until it all burns in! It gets even better IMHO


I have the Humminguru. Very pleased with it. However I have kept only 400/500 lps. With a very large collection, the Degritter is the one to have.

Congrats on your purchase :+1:


Thanks Rooster :muscle:

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I better buy some more records then.

I am planning on getting a Humming Guru at some point. The Degritter for my around 500 LPs seems too expensive. The reviews I have read all appear to agree that the Degritter is the one to get if cost is not an issue but the Humming Guru is not that far behind and is much more cost-effective.


I can also recommend the Humminguru, I have cleaned about 800 records with it and it has always been doing a perfect job :+1: Best HiFi gear for the money


This looks like a cool new product coming soon :slight_smile:

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Only thing I’m not keen about is it’s a wet ultrasonic.
Aluminium cantilevers like Linn Krystal disintegrate very quickly if wet treated.

Humminguru seconded. 95% of a Degritter for about 15% of the price.

You will be astonished!

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I would not be confident to use that neither. But perhaps more than a green paper.

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Hahahaha :+1:t2:


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I have it :+1:

The EE8 switch with the Farad Super 3 is sounding more fluid than before. More analogue. The 2nd PS opened up the soundstage. So the streaming side sounds more open, fuller and more analogue with plenty of punch. It really grooves. It’s alot of kit added and lots of boxes added. They all do something more.

I think it has resuced the gap between streaming and LP12. The LP12 playing Billy Idol last night which has superb production sounded particularly good.


As I was one of the guys who recommended the Farad 3 to you Dan I’m so pleased. I hear the same type of improvements that you describe going from the stock SMPS to the Farad. Have you got a dedicated mains supply for the hifi?


The Degritter mk1 used is on it’s way. Got some new sleeves on order as well. Going to look around the Lanes tomorrow Brighton and pick up some more vinyl.


I have separate MCB 20 amp. 2 double unswitched radial.

Having recently decorated the listening room this will have to do!

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