552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

As you say, the only possibility to know if you will prefer the Superline vs the Tom Evans is to try at home. Maybe a member who lives near you and who owns a Superline could bring it to your home.

However for now better to enjoy the new 552 to come.

I imagine the Superline sounds totally different to Urika and Tom Evans phono stages. The Naim sound is more forward and more PRAT. More earthy and less neutral.

So with Naim system, the Superline works.

My Focal speakers are very forward with the Naim set up. The Linn LP12 has very good bass and detail. As Richard says the Tom Evans is more cerebal, detached, detailed and a very neutral sound.

That is not really my style. It’s very very good.

I need to get my set up and then see how I get on.

I have other things going on too so phonostage may not be my priority :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So guys you do realise within 4 months a Superline and Supercap DR will be on my rack! Any bets?


He broke it for sure :rofl:


Thanks mate. Have you got your LP12 yet?

Urika 1 so you can complete the Klimax . :scream: :wink:


I am not sure about it. Once in, it’s done. Difficult to turn back.

It’s still full Klimax without Urika :rofl:

Mateeeeeee congrats, that was fast! when does it arrive?

Bet your very excited

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Being installed on 28th, its all built ready for me, I had a listen today at the store, the owner who is doing the install is away on his hols from tomorrow, so have to be patient a little bit longer.

Thanks for asking.

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No bets needed Dan - done deal I reckon :grinning:

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I am excited for you. Great times ahead!

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I have wanted this system for years! Should be within next 2 weeks. Install date should be given tomorrow.

Gonna be very full on with Klimax LP12 and 552. I know how good it sounds. But in my home will sound better still.

Dreams come true for those who live their dreams! Know that mateeeeeee


Re superline - as Richard D suggested try first into 552 only

May not need the SCDR

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Once I have everything set up I will see how it all sounds.

If it all works how I like it I will see how it goes.

Its a case of onve heard there’s no going back. At momemt I haven’t heard it!

Superline will be more full on and Naim than Urika or Tom Evans stuff.

Naim sound with OC is very forward compared to other brands.

Im so pleased for you, i know how much youve wanted a 500 system…the nap500 started that!

Im paying the rest of mine end of next week so i think we might get our 552’s around the same time

excited mate!

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I heard a MG with Statement and Magicos at a London dealer and have to say have never heard anything to match, ever. But then I’ve never been to Munich!

Sorry @Dan_M more thread diversion, enjoy that 552😎

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Anything to match means anything better ?


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same spec as my LP12, I also went TA Stilletto couple of years ago, Keel is on another level - the soundstage it presents is nothing short of jaw dropping, I too moved to Klimax Rad 2, had Ekos SE fitted some time ago, all of those updgrades are going to deliver some real music - I also currently use DVXX2 and it can more than deliver on that spec, as for next cartridge when XX2 needs replacing, I am minded to stay with DV to be honest

and for the 552 !!