552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

I missed this thread. Congratulations Dan, and certainly most well deserved.




Youā€™re next in line young fella :grinning::flushed:


My streamer and amps are done thankfully. As for the LP12, thatā€™s safely in analysis paralysis :flushed:

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I have a Supercap 2 serviced which I am using with 52. I am planning on part exchanging. Maybe I should keep it back ? :thinking:

My idea was to use this to part fund the upgrades.

Mmm I see the dilemma Dan if you can call it

Not sure of the difference between the 2 and the dr

I have an xps2 which I use with my ndx2 , I tried the XPSDR and frankly yes there was a slight difference for the better but couldnā€™t justify the extra dollars

To me the power supplies are about giving more Oomph so to me theyā€™re all great

What trade in would you get for the sc2 ?

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Ā£1500. Itā€™s serviced 2023.

Probably trade it in Dan - thatā€™s a dam fine price

Although !!! Ha

I guess can always pick up XPSDR for a handsome price down the track

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Dealer is giving good trade ins and all his prices to buy are good. Plus heā€™s driving 300 miles each way to install!


Plus one on the Superline. Powered by the 552 initially but youā€™ll want to add a Supercap. I added an Olive SC to my Prefix last year and wow! It eclipsed all other upgrades to my LP12 instantly. If I were to ever go Klimax LP12, Superline/SC would be mandatory. Canā€™t wait for your reports on all the new stuff. Enjoy.

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Going Superline costs alot more money. And I have what is effectively a Ā£5k phonostage for a fraction of that. Superline used example is Ā£2600 plus you need cables and burndy for supercap.

I have the Supercap 2 at moment. Overall cost of Superline with Supercap 2 is Ā£3000 extra. Then sell The Groove + and come out with Ā£1000 from that. Wonā€™t get part exchange on Supercap 2. So overall cost for me is Ā£3500 to get Superline

Itā€™s a case of enough is enough for now! And it might not be any better than what I have.

But will see how it goes and try to listen to one with Klimax LP12 if possible.

Maybe I will be so happy with new set up that I wonā€™t do anything.

The LP12 upgrades I am doing are all big and expensive ones. I would think it will be nothing short of amazing.

And a 552!


I have the SC2/Superline with my LP12/Kandid and itā€™s brilliant. Keep hankering after SCDR, but donā€™t really feel Iā€™m missing anything at the moment.

Given how many upgrades you have incoming just enjoy that for a while. Itā€™s going to be massive!

All the best,


I know you seem to prefer Naim for the phonostage but the Urika shouldnā€™t be discarded think of the synergy of having the deck Klimaxed and in turn remember youā€™ve paid for a Klimax Rad 2 and only using half of it.
Minimal wiring with the Urika is a major advantage tiny short armlead etc.
And it was at the time conceived with the Kandid. :thinking:


I think you have a very good point. Itā€™s not much extra money. With sale of Tom Evans phonostage it is a no cost option. I have heard the Urika and I am not sure it is better than what I have. I have not heard the Superline.

So options are go Urika 1. No cost
Stay put. No cost
Get Superline. Ā£3500.

I will let the dust settle. I havenā€™t got my stuff yet!


You could buy in the order of 150 records with Ā£3,500. And you donā€™t have to buy them all at once. Just a thought.


Good luck Dan
Itā€™s a big change youā€™re going through in many ways I just think the least stress and maximum synergy would be the Urika minimal wiring for the tiny MC voltages the armlead is about 6ā€ long.
The other half of the Klimax Radikal will be balanced and working to Itā€™s full potential and not having multiple boxes with all the interconnectivity has to be best.
With the Urika there is no additional box count or signal cable dressing either.
I wish you well see my profile. :+1:t2:


Now that sounds like a much better idea!

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You are putting forward a very convincing argument. It becomes a box reduction. And tbh if I had the Urika 1 done I would never change it out.


I did that very thing mate I just donā€™t see the point of missing the synergy that it is all designed and produced to work with best performance and minimal complication.
Half of your Klimax rad supply is redundant.
I understand some loyalty to a Naim on their forum and you have a very good Naim collection but remember not many on here will support the Linn Stage or indeed get that itā€™s the vinyl source first hierarchy.
And you get to Klimax and buy lots of new albums. :wink: :+1:t2:


I use a SC2 on the SL. Much preferred that to a HCDR I tried. Keeping it back may be an idea, but it may be deferred revenue if you donā€™t go SL.

Iā€™m minded to try Aux2 on the 252 again as Iā€™ve forgotten how that was vs the SC2.

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