552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

I was referring to Deltron plugs, not NAC552 preamps!


I prefer the non DR,better balance in the sound and more boogie.


Nonsense, the dealer has carried that stuff (that he will have paid for) on his balance sheet for probably 2 years, committed probably hours of his time demonstrating, there comes a point when the depreciation is such that he has offer a deal.

If you receive a full Statement amps trio, open all the box then finally you decide to sell all, you canā€™t normally sell more than 75% of the total value.
So the Statement lost already 50 k the next day.
If the dealer has it since some years, 70 k depreciation doesnā€™t seem to be a so good deal.


Well okay, but like anything hifi you donā€™t have to buy it. However, I would also say I know several Naim dealers who wonā€™t stock Statement because it is so much of an overhead.

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Itā€™s a case of whatā€™s available if you want a used Statement. Demand and supply equation.

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Thereā€™s an S1 for sale for Ā£45k through one of the approved Statement dealers. Thatā€™s a good price per sound IMO.

If I pass away suddenly my wife is well informed about what the hifi should sell for. Iā€™d hope for close to 50% retail. Anything more is unrealistic. Of course I didnā€™t buy at full retail thankfully.

I just sold my two and half year old Superline for Ā£1300 after fees were taken. Second hand hifi prices donā€™t seem to be as high as they were.


Degritter in place. Have some distilled water on itā€™s way tomorrow. Be good to get the best out of my vinyl!


Itā€™s a low price for the Superline. I think if you had held out and started higher than you did you could gave got alot more. Itā€™s a desirable item. But sometimes best way is just to get shot of it. My Tom Evans The Groove + SRX power supply hasnā€™t shifted as yet. Am being patient. Reducing price. But sometimes with rarer item like this it takes time.

Sold other bits, various cables, Trampolin 2, Lingo 1. Good prices for those. Higher priced items take time to shift, especially now.

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Iā€™m not sure Dan. 50% retail (on anything more than a couple of years old) seems to be the new norm as far as I can tell. Thereā€™s a one year old 500DR on at just over Ā£14k and not selling quickly. But apart from my Supercap/Snaxo which will be making way for the Kudos SIGAO Drive Iā€™m done upgrading. A similar position to you?


Iā€™m very happy with amp and LP12 front. The Streaming front I may go for ND555 and replace non Naim PSU for proper 555DR. May tinker with speaker cables.

But, is it worth it? I am happy with it as it is for now.

I like my speakers but may want something more!

But the system is so much better and I need a break from upgrades tbh. I have done so much to the system. Am focusing on buying vinyl and get the Degritter up and running.

Best thing is to play the music rather than obsessing over something which is sublime!


Spot on. Also burn in is such a pain and if we are continuously upgrading our systems are always in a state of flux never sounding 100%. My two new 500ā€™s have finally stopped the yo yo performance from new. Hopefully the LP12 will have a shorter run in time :+1:

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Interesting. Did you find the Sigao a big step up from the Snaxo then?

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Interested to hear how you get on with this and if it reduces some of the pops and clicks.

Loving your journey to a musical nirvana


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The EE8 and Farad Super 3 sounds sweet. It all sounds very very good. Itā€™s best for me to wait now as I donā€™t find anything lacking. Otherwise I am doing it for the sake of it! So in full agreement with you.


That is yet to be determined Mark. I will give it the swerve for sure if itā€™s not obviously better.

I will give you guys updates on how machine figures out. Itā€™s like a work of art. Solid, beautifully built. High quality.


Will be interesting to hear how that goes.


Indeed. Derek at Kudos isnā€™t allowing crossover A/Bā€™s at his dealer dem days by all accounts. Just passive to active with the SIGAO. Sorry but I will want a home dem before buying.


Probably a bit pointless demoing vs Snaxo since they ceased production of them. There is an exposure crossover though I believe.