ND555 now in place

Some might describe those dogs thus … slightly harsh though :slight_smile:



Yes but his hifi is shocking :wink: :kissing:

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I want the 500DR at the bottom of the middle stack as it weighs down the subfloor so LP12 does not jump. I have tried different configurations. I have also now got ND555, 552 and LP12 (obviously) all on top shelves.

The 500DR works okay with medium shelf above it but it gets very warm. I am therefore trying the tall shelves for middle stack. I may try medium shelves on right stack, so there is not an empty shelf at bottom. Also some of shelves are Fraimlite with glass, so will reduce the number of those.

I have really thought about stacking and am doing what works with given situation.

Ideal scenario would be to have a new subfloor. But I have enough to deal with and the room has been redecorated recently.

Let’s see how it works out!

Loving the system sound and find my sources are very very good now. Nothing is lacking. System is completed.


Superb effort Dan. Well done :+1:

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18 days ago. You can’t fool me with being done Dan! Don’t forget the disclaimer *for now.

" I’m very happy with amp and LP12 front. The Streaming front I may go for ND555 and replace non Naim PSU for proper 555DR. May tinker with speaker cables. But, is it worth it? I am happy with it as it is for now."


Now, in Dan’s world, means since 30 mn.

Just kidding

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I am really happy with the system. You can always go further.

The system sounds epic. I had thought about changing the non Naim PSU but I don’t think it will add anything.

I have thought about different speakers but I love what I have.

I am now changing some shelves and will tinker with plugging into radial and ring main for Farad and KRadikal 2.

There is always something to do. Been buying alot of vinyl recently. Bought around 30 records since I got the LP12 upgraded.

The system is now where I had planned it. I have no other plans with it.

Where can I go from this point?

It’s magical as it is.


The deal came up with ND555. It was an opportunity and investment in the future ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Anyway guys hope I amuse and entertain you.

Are you not entertained? :muscle: :rofl:


Put that post on your fridge Dan . :joy:


Having just splashed a huge amount of cash (it is for me) on my system I am in awe of what you and others are doing with your systems, it is just mind blowing.

My system sounds pretty damn good, in fact I wonder how it can be improved sometimes, so what you guys on here are hearing must be phenomenal.

Your enthusiasm for what you are doing is infectious, keep on enjoying the music for many years to come.


I like films.

“Never Say Never Again”

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It’s a case of priorities if you have spare funds or budgeting if you want something.

So look I have spent alot. I have added it all up and I am happy with what I have for the money. Virtually everything is used or at demo price new. If I bought it all new it would cost more than double. I have got great deals in a buyers market.

It keeps me happy. Enjoy your system @Oxfordian. Other hobbies such as boating, cars are much more expensive.


I have a stack of three 500DR head units and the lowest one sits on a standard level off the lowest Fraim base which is empty - this is the coolest unit.
Then next-up is the 500DR sitting on a Medium level above - this is warmer.
Then next-up is the final 500DR sitting again on a medium shelf and it is not as warm as the one below, but not as cool as the lowest.

So like the three bears story, but probably the coolest is best! :bear:

The top 500DR then has a Tall Fraim level with the SNAXO box on it very top and that is as high as I want that Fraim stack to be going and only is OK because the SNAXO is very light.
I tried moving SNAXO to another stack to be lower, but it was then atop PS boxes and sounded awful.
I tried using a Medium level for the SNAXO to lower the height - even purtchased it and when my Dealer brought it around and we substituted it for the tall level - the Fraim looked better but sounded a lot worse we both agreed - so I got a refund! The Tall fraim allowed the presentation to open out with better bass detail - unexpected but there it was.

So a bit off-topic but it is good to try things and accept the configuration you enjoy the most, despite what others may think or even if it does not look the best aesthetically, but I got my system to listen to music and enjoy so that is critical to me.



Strange how my system sounds superb with my Snaxo above the 500 P/S’s.

If it does - then it does!

I found the very worst PS to be below the SNAXO was the Supercap powering it.
I spend many hours a few years ago pulling my system apart to make it all look neater and tried that - it was so awful I was concerned something was broken, in the harsh muddles glare it presented.
I spent many hours putting it all back to how I had it as now and was immensely relieved the quality returned. I learned that some configurations work very well or are acceptable whereas some just bomb the system; with the Supercap under the SNAXO it was not useable for me at all.

I also found the later design PS units like 555PS and 500PS do not cause the same effects, in my system.
Proximity of PS units does and with the 500PS, since I have three of these, do not work well all stacked on standard Fraim seperating them if you use an S1 Pre - as the Bass is bloated and over-powerful with lots of sub-sonic sound that made things difficult - but the same configuration with the 552 Pre was fine!

The S1 Pre resolves a lot more deep bass as anyone who tries it will confirm and that showed-up a problem elsewhere before hidden. Pulling the three 500PS apart with either Medium Fraim levels apart of using a spacer empty standard level drastically cleaned-up the bass and it is now superb and a joy to immerse with all the textures now there that were a bloated booming mess otherwise.

These thing are system-dependant and with smaller speakers not reproducing and injecting low bass into the room things may not have been an issue.
The 500PS I find needs some care to keep apart by more than a standard level from other supplies and boxes - if you have your SNAXO on a Medium or especially Tall fraim level above it the I’d expect things should work well, if just on a standard level then you may have more in your system to be revealed if you use a Medium or Tall fraim to get more of a gap from the 500PS.



Fair enough. My Supercap is at the bottom of the rack as it happens.

I will be reducing my box count by one shortly (when the Supercap and SNAXO are replaced with Kudos SIGAO) I could leave a blank Fraim level between P/S’s and Xover. You’ve given me food for thought again.

I learned a lot from your mains advise. My config is pretty close to yours with similar systems.

Pic from Signals event last year. I guess Alistair hasn’t been taking on board DB’s advise

I have put my PN next to my Core. That releases the level below my LP12. If my ND555 went there that would give me two standard levels to play with when I get the new xover. Would you put one below the 500 head units?