552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Been cogitating and reading reviews on the Tom Evans The Groove + SRX power supply,which is what I have.

So there are pros and cons.

My phonostage majors on micro dynamics and transparency. I bought it blind and I am very happy with it. In twrms of depth of bass and mids other phonostages will have more. You need to go up to Master Groove to get that too.

The Superline will sound more Naim I would imagine and earthy. I am sure it is superb. I would imagine mids and bass will be improved.

The Urika reduces box count, makes full use of Radikal 2 and gives full Klimax. With this option I would leave phonostage permanently. It was designed for LP12 and their carts. So system synergy. It has sounded very good whenever I have heard it at the dealers.

So they are all quite different. In someways the easiest thing is to go with Urika 1 as then it is done. I wouldnā€™t change it.

Keeping what I have leaves the door open for future changes, but if it sounds good as it is, why change it.

The Superline represents more investment. But could rewards be greater?

Only way to know is hear the SL vs Groove, when youā€™re up to it.
Thereā€™s always another rainbow pot of gold to chase ā€¦another hill to look over. Iā€™d be tempted to just hear the difference, but staying put is very, very attractive, especially as youā€™re very happy with what you have & the 552 is going to be a rocket I suspect. Plus, Ā£3500 is a lot of additional cashā€¦

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If itā€™s set up for comparison I will try to hear Urika v S/C - S/L on Saturday Dan and let you know what I think of the comparison.

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I look forward to hearing from you :+1:

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Iā€™d love to reduce box count myself now for obvious reasons. If the Stiletto plinth/ top plate is great I wonā€™t tell :see_no_evil:. It can all get very expensive even if we follow the ā€œwe only live onceā€ philosophy.

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I am spending alot on the upgrades. Adding more and more to the spend wasnā€™t planned.

I went extra mile with Ekos SE and machined Radikal and cart. I was going to keep cart, Ekos 2 and get Akurate Radikal 1!

So I have crept up on my spend to get it to Klimax level.

Yes the prices are reasonable and itā€™s all used. But am spending over Ā£10k on LP12 after part exchanges as is.

For me thatā€™s alot for a used LP12.


I have the Urika and Radikal on my other Sondek

Itā€™s just different to the Superline /Armageddon combo

Love them both

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Where are you going to put the LP12 on? A wallshelf or Fraim above 500 head units?

Be great to see where you go with LP12.

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Iā€™m restricted to one of the FRAIMs. Peter S has recommended the Tramp 2 for high mass supports. Top of the middle stack is the best option in my opinion Dan. Away from the speaker and wall corners. I have bought two more standard height levels for install

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And your sub floor is rock solid. Hopefully this will help alot with LP12 installation.

My LP12 set up is okayish on Fraim. But far from perfect with suspended timber floor. I have mused before about changing it. Am finding LP12 is quite good on end right Fraim. Having more weight on Fraim shelves helps and having 500DR weight on shelf to the side all helps.

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From all I read (never heard one), youā€™re going to love what 552 doesā€¦me, Iā€™d stick for awhile after. Thereā€™ll be options galore laterā€¦enjoy the 552 for a good while, then think about phonostages if thereā€™s still the need. You may well be at a place youā€™re absolutely enchanted with, by then.

For me, my ā€˜stickā€™ place was slightly lower down the trail, but Iā€™m so still spellbound by it that I feel little-to-no need to pick up that backpack again :smile:

Canā€™t wait to read your posts re 552 etc!


Going for Urika 1. Can reduce my Fraim stacks either all down one level or from 3 to 2 racks. So some savings there too and some more space





Nice. Iā€™ve never heard the Urika.
Let us know what you think.

Some great reading ahead :+1:t3:

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Install will be a week today thursday. Obviously pics and write up will follow.

I will potentially move Zoneripper off the racks and go down to 2 stacks.

Or will keep 3 stacks and lower everything by one shelf. Or have a fair few empty shelves and leave it as is.

With Urika1 LP12 is full Klimax. Only original parts will be outer platter, plinth and top plate.

Can sell Trampolin 2 as well.


ā€œcan sell Trampoline 2 as wellā€. Really Dan? Wouldnā€™t it better to keep it with your supports?

The Urika has built in Trampolin. Itā€™s built into the base board. Clever stuff!


Posted on: 18 July 2009 by bbb111

LP12, Radikal,Urika,EkosSE, Akiva v. LP12, Radikal,Urika,Aro,Akiva,Superline,Supercap,Hiline.

Both through 552, Linn Solos (yes, a weird combo, but thatā€™s what the dealer had connected), Allaes.

The Urika sounded amazing on its own. Then the Superline came along and was more musical, engaging. The notes were more precise and in tune. The Urika was great, donā€™t get me wrong. But it wasnā€™t close. And weā€™ve tried many types of music ā€“ Led Zeppelin, Bach, Sinatra, the Bandā€¦

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion though. Nothing wrong with that.

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Another one:

Posted on: 18 July 2009 by matt podniesinski


I canā€™t speak to the availability of a Kontrol but there isnā€™t a 500 at the shop right now. Both LP12s had the Keel and Radikal so basically it was a tricked out Linned LP12 and Naimed LP12. They were on identical stands.There is also a stack of about 15 Aro Keels waiting to be installed and the Urika just arrived so I doubt this is the final demo setup.

In my opinion they are both excellent. To my ears the ā€œLinnifiedā€ LP 12 shone on smaller ensembles such as small jazz combos. The Naim version seemed to me to sort out more complex music better to me. Overall I would opt for the Superline but then again I do not have unlimited funds and just received my Superline a couple of months ago and prefer the Naim house sound more than the Linn to begin with.

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