552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Thank you
I’ve always followed the mantra of source first so didn’t want to compromise on what I might get later.
I’ve had a number of box combinations but I’ve found keeping it as simple as possible gets better results rather than thin spreading over a whole system.
I can’t imagine the Supernait 3 running out of steam in my living room and I really like the simplicity of the kudos speakers with very high quality but minimalist components.
My main source is a collection of records so after some time decided it was most pertinent to get it right or as good as I think from the start.
The system does sound much bigger than it looks.
I’ve found a bigger box count can sound more hi fi but stripping it back definitely made it much more musical and less fatiguing.
Hope this explains ok. :+1:t2:


For f@&(s sake don’t leave empty Fraim shelves. You won’t be able to sleep at night for thinking what could fill them :rofl:


Well Mike here in Sydney I have the full LP12 ARO going into the SN3/HICAPDR

I’ve always been a source first person , not only does it sound great but it makes sense .

I’ve even had the LP12 going into the Nait 50 and that’s brilliant also


Yes, so am I. The 552/300 certainly could deserve a higher spec LP12, as long as it doesn’t loose it’s magical engagement by becoming analytical. Might risk a call to my dealer.

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Yes you’ve certainly hit the nail on the head there Mike

I can’t remember what PS you have with LP12?

But I think the Lingo 4 would be a step in the right direction without going over the top

You’ve the memory of a sieve, young man! It has the Valhalla with the Cirkus bearing.

Yeah, that’s the choice really. Adding the Karousel, Kore and Trampoline would double the cost.

You’re right on the memory bit but my excuse is I was born in the South Island :flushed:

I believe Mrs Mike said a big NO your Sondek upgrades if my memory !!! serves me right

But just advise her she will also reap the benefits of the superb increase in the sound quality :grinning:

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Ah, that was about buying another one, this would just be a “service” and adding 45 RPM to the one I have :wink:


My memory didn’t serve me well yet again :frowning:


Congrats @Dan_M thats fast move !!:clap:t2::muscle:t2:

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I have NDS into 552 and trust me it’s more than capable of making the 552 shine :sunglasses:

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I think I have everything covered with my new set up. I don’t think anything will be wanting.

Can’t wait for the big install!


When is the big day?

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This thursday. Installer is ex Naim engineer as well. Hope he is good with building LP12s as well!


I added 552DR to NDS and non-DR 500. Then upgraded the 500 to DR later.

My gut feeling is adding 552DR to 500DR is a bigger upgrade than adding it to non-DR 500.

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Interesting :thinking:

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Synergy :ok_hand:

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I sold my none DR 500 a few months ago to reduce box count now down to one Fraim.
Very happy with the 250DR / 552DR but I sometimes wonder what a 500DR will bring to the table!

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I remember your journey very well Stu! Going straight for DR 500 series kit makes sense now. Prices are a bit different from what they were now too.

Looking forward to hearing it all set up and the settling period.

I have heard full 500 series with LP12 Klimax and I know what to expect. Very different in my own home though!

I think it depends how loud you listen to music as well. A 250DR is a great power amp.

I found 135s under powered for my speakers and ears. The speakers would clip when I pounded the volume.

With 500DR no such problems. There’s alot more to it than that of course.

But you seem very happy with your set up. So stay put mate.