5si system?

What is the point of the 5 series?? It seems pointless to me because the uniti range is the same price.

One word, separates. Not everyone wants everything in one box. There is definitely a market need for the ā€œ5ā€ range proven by sales.


The 5 series is the sprat to catch a mackerel.
The start of the dreaded upgrade path


Too much bling on the current unitisā€¦

Meaning? I like their SQ / aesthetics compromise.

Nice phrase.


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I think youā€™ve answered your own questionā€¦

And whose idea was it to put the control wheel on the top?

Didnā€™t understand you sir, sorry.
Maybe wrong interpretation?
For me ā€œtoo much blingā€ sounds ā€œtoo much aesthetically and no SQ.ā€

For me aesthetic/ sq compromise is a balanced combo. And every components make compromises.

The wheel on top is a design feature that I like: as an all in one can stand on everyplace,( outside a rack ) you can access analogically from there

Exactly. Pick your compromise. Pay your money.

To be fair, which compromise you pick depends (amongst many things) on whether you are trying to integrate a Uniti into an existing system. If you want to put it in ā€˜pride of placeā€™ on top of something (where you can reach the control wheel) fine; if it needs to go into a rack under a turntable (where you canā€™t) itā€™s not such a good idea. No issues with the sound quality for the money.

Question of principle: for me an all in one itā€™s always going to be a stand alone piece. I never liked redundancy.

Again, misunderstood the ā€œtoo much blingā€.
For me sounded derogatory

Not pointless at all, customers might choose the amp (excellent machine) to work with other components. Equally folks still want a CDP.




And eventually an NAT05?! :wink:


Like a gateway drug, For most people, a 5si, a decent source and speakers is all one needs.


On mine the control wheel isnā€™t easily accessible. You donā€™t need it. It comes with a remote, and of course is app controlled. The only weird thing is that neither has all functionality, so you kind of need both. Not the volume dial.

I agree with Cardoso that I donā€™t quite understand what you find ā€˜blingyā€™ about them. Iā€™d say theyā€™re still quite understated in the grand scheme of things. Except indeed the volume dial, but place it in a rack and that issueā€™s gone as well :slight_smile:

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And largely digital. There may still be a market in this price bracket for analog gear, though I donā€™t know if worthwhile. I would not be surprise to see the range go. It does not make such a great lure for the upgrade path either because there is no path from there.

It gives a glimpse of Naim sound for a affordable price. A kind of intro to the brand, for a larger audienceā€¦

Yes, but so do Unitis. I meant I am not sure if there are sufficient numbers who want to spend in the 2000-5000 range but require it to be fully analog, ruling out the Unitis

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Ok. Relative to an ND5XS2, the current Uniti have too much bling. Relative to Mcintosh, theyā€™re subtle. That notwithstanding, if I were starting from scratch, a Nova or Atom would probably be a good choice. A Star would have a redundant CD drive - I have a perfectly servicable CD5, but I canā€™t remember the last time I actually played a CD. I ripped them all to disc years ago. Vinyl via a Stageline. Will an Atom power that? I do wish Iā€™d bought a NAT05 at some stage though. Today, the Radio 3 stream through the ND5XS2 works for me.

Maybe I should have added a few :wink: :wink: ?

My thought as well - if a friend asked me who wants to have very good sounding system for a rather modest (in our terms) price, a Uniti seems a more reasonable suggestion unless the person has a special requirement for the SI series. Now if there was an SI streamer, that might be different.

The number of reviews on the respective product pages may indicate something

Vinyl via a Stageline. Will an Atom power that?

No, but a Nait 5si neither?

We may have some scope creep too - are we including the 5 XS series?

Agree, 5si will not, but the original 5 does, and has a balance control too!