A bit of advice about Fraim and two stacks

It is good to find out what work for you and your system, then you know and are confident ahead and can just relax and enjoy! :slightly_smiling_face:

If Vinyl was my main source then Pre on top is what makes most sense.
For me I play everything now via the ND555 so giving it the same care as many do for their Vinyl source works best I found. I was surprised it made as musch difference but it did so I roll with that.

I found Medium shelves on Fraim worked best for the non-PS boxes; the extra space between the boxes let the sound open-out and improve presentaion. Stacking ND555 on the standard level atop the 552 - I’d insert an empty standard level between, but in my case I converted it to medium levels and think that sound best here.


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Here’s my arrangement. Works fine for me and Burndies are off the ground with an acceptable catenary.

Left Fraim

300 DR head unit

Right Fraim

Klimax Radikal 2
300 DR PS


System looks great. I got a lot of advice on here about stacking advice. Depending on system, everyone’s stacks need individual attention. I have 3 stacks and 13 boxes so stacking is important. With the guys on here helping me we managed to work things out. Thanks to @Richard.Dane and @Graeme and @Igel who came up with great advice and ideas.

I am now looking at potentially selling CDS2 and XPS2 and am mindful of @Darkebear advice of not having 2 empty shelves on any one stack.

Will see what happens!

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My system currently with 252 on top, NDS below.
Apologies for angle, Christmas tree in the way!
So as to keep my phono stage (Whest 3) on the Fraim I did have a custom wide top glass like it is under the Michell with Melco and Whest on that. Whest is now behind the rack on the carpet.
I’ll see how this goes for a few days then May rearrange NDS and 252


After reading this thread I thought I would switch my NDS with the 552 so the NDS was on top. In my system this did exactly as @Darkebear described. I wonder, though, how much is to do with cleaning contacts etc when disconnecting and reconnecting. I guess I should try and reverse it in a couple of weeks time but for now I’m a very happy bunny!

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Intriguing. No idea how or why but I agree, NDS on top does seem to produce more detail in my system. In my case it’s not contact cleaning as this is the second reconfiguration in a week.

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