A move to the new classic series

Hi @Milletta

You stated you now have Sonus Faber Olympica Nova 5 loudspeakers, yet your profile says you are still using Verity Audio speakers, so you need to update the details.

They do come up occasionally here in NZ, but pretty rare all the same.

Yes I’ve been told that but what I see is updated and doesn’t have the verity’s on it and I appear not to have any editing capabilities so yes I would update it if I could…gawd I’ve asked a simple thing and I keep getting routed about my profile :man_shrugging:

Disappointing - you know your aims including vfm, kit and location, responding to a thread asking for “any input”, will be based on info guidance. There are two previous threads on search for a simple answer, 332 v 252 and 332 v 282 and 252.
Hunch suggests the forum is UK centric, so many posts will be biased around that.
For those in other markets, particularly Aus/NZ, the reported loss of previous trading arrangements has the sympathy of many of us on the forum.

The Sonus speakers are now showing in profile.

Wish you good listening; for those concerned about my lack of profile, it’s all Naim, source to listen and all good.


Apologies, not meaning to have a go…I’ve tried about 6/7 times to update my profile and there was no edit function available but gave it a shot today and it was finally working so now up to date, cheers

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After (very) extensive auditioning I updated ‘like for like’ from 272/XPS DR/250 DR to 222/300/250, albeit in two stages, initially not including the 300.

Although I got a reasonable trade in, the cost implications were not insignificant and whilst I am delighted with the NC system I’m sure I would have continued to be content with the OC system had I not heard the NC option at length.

It’s always going to be a difficult choice, perhaps less so with NC 300 series, but then again that is even more expensive!

As ever, you pays your money and YMMV.


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Hi @Milletta

Absolutely no intention of hassling you about your profile - I didn’t think it would be an issue for you to update it - just thought ironic that someone who doesnt have any information (their choice) pointed it out to you first. Glad to see you got it sorted.

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+1. Definitely worth trying but don’t assume it’s automatically an upgrade as some will say on this forum. In the end the 552DR proved not be the upgrade I was hoping for over the 252DR and from feedback I was not alone - but in a minority. We are all different… In my opinion the 552 leans more to a subtle v presentation where as the 252 is more flat… Of course your preference when you hear is what counts.
I think one thing that I have not seen contested - is the 552 is a more tolerant on supports and setup (part of what you are paying for I guess) - where as the 252 is finicky to get the best from it.


No argument from me.

The 52 transformed my listening experience back in the day. I believe the S1 to be, in a way, more like a much better version of the 52 than the 552 with its incredible speed and fun factor. It’s a shame that it costs so much.

But IMO all the better Naim pre amps have something special. Hard to go wrong.


Sorry if I derail this thread further :blush:

However I am curious to know what you mean about setup being so sensitive? I had mine on my isoblue shelves. I massaged the burndies and the snaic touched the burndies. It sounded good all in all but I didn’t get the same warmth that made me like my 82/Supercap so much. Could it have been a matter of setup do you think? I was meticulous about setup and cable routing.

its hard to comment - I only used mine on full fat Fraim - and it sounded best on the top shelf.

It could be however you simply prefer a slightly more exaggerated presentation or that is what your speakers need to sound at their best. There could be many things. You see I didn’t find the 252 lacking in warmth at all with my 250 and my then ATC speakers - There was certainly no bloat or muddiness, or at the other end leanness and coldness… it sounded pretty neutral to me which is why I loved what it did - for me it let me into my recordings without turning the saturation up.

As you say we digress


I got the balance back with Gold Note. More insight than 252 and more warmth at the same time so all is good. The 82 was never as good as the 252 it was just the warmth

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I didn’t get on with the 252 either for similar lack of warmth reasons but I loved the 52. Go figure. Very happy with the 222/555/250NC though.


Thanks and some good info. I listened to your NC combo for about 4 hours when I auditioned my speaker and really liked the sound and figured the 332/300/350 combo would be superb going on that session. Sadly I think the trade in values are going to kill it for me this time around although I do love my current set up. As we all know, it’s a Naim thing, this process from starting simple and moving up the ranges over time


Yeah sorry about sounding a bit grumpy, I got the message that my profile was a bit out of date and it was a bit frustrating that I couldn’t sort it but persistence was rewarded and now all good


But twenty5 26i have still no active option or am I wrong? I’ve thought the active option is available for the whole twenty5i series except 26i.

Correct as they are a three way speaker !

not sure if that makes active option impossible ?

There is to be an active module for the 26i. That is my understanding.


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as i said in my post i have passive 26i but would have considered (prob 24i)