Active PMC v ATC : The Best Things… Part II

Forgot to mention… during the presentation, Ian at VG mentioned he’d just sold a similar system to a client - comprising of ‘just’ an Atom HE and the active PMC Twenty5.23 speakers, stating that it worked very well indeed. Can’t comment having not compared the 222 to the HE, but think the 222 would be better balanced pairing with the 23s to avoid mullet territory.

Can imagine the HE and the Twenty5.22s becoming a bit of compact system to beat though and it’s got me thinking anyways.


Thx sharing your experiences with the active PMC’s. The build in of the amp module in the passive speakers opens the way for further choice on a possible up grade path, be it passive or active.

I’m waiting a demo with both passive and active PMC Twenties within a Naim set-up. Looking forward to discover potential differences in sound.


Yes, I think PMC have created a really clever solution to be able to upgrade the Twenty5 series from passive to active at a later stage.

Craig from PMC said this is only for the 2-way version at the moment, but I can only see it being a matter of time before the bigger 26 model gets the same treatment. He said that every active unit they can build they can sell.

It has got me thinking through options, which I never thought would be the case, as that system certainly left an impression.

Yes, there’s more detail, dynamic range and sonic fireworks available i’m sure, but it would cost a lot more to get there, with a lot more boxes too, and for how much a percentage gain I wonder.


Me too.

I’m completely fascinated by this whole active idea.
Regardless of other active options available in the market - such as from ATC - the upgrade kit from PMC has made it more affordable to do this. Either immediately, or as you suggest, in two steps. And I was seriously considering the 23i anyway…

In fact, back at dealer Basically Sound, trying to find a few more answers.

More later…
Just concentrating for a bit, listening.

Currently listening to David Sylvian : “Orpheus” from Secrets of the Beehive, (1987).

Absolutely, mind bendingly brilliant.
Happy listening.


That reminds me of the first audition I did at my then dealer’s when I became interested in active speakers a few years ago. The speakers in question were the active version of ATC’s SCM19s and were being compared with the passives driven by a NAP 250DR.

I went along with a carefully considered playlist of a music I enjoyed covering a wide range of genres. There happened to be another customer in the shop at the time and he sat next to me throughout the listening session. At the end we discussed the experience. I was very taken by the actives and immediately added them to my shortlist. His reaction was that he found them very “in your face” and was not sure if he could live with them long term.

Speaker choice seems particularly subjective which does make speakers possibly the trickiest component to select for a hifi system. Living with them at home for a while can be very helpful, at least where a dealer offers that option.



Brilliant record and atmospheric recording - enjoy!


Over the years, my memory is that quite a few Naim forum members match Twenty5 23 and 23i to either Naim Nova - SN3 - more recently NSC222. So, see dealers and buyers perceive that as a good match. It’s a popular combination, which maybe says something :thinking:

Having now listened to Twenty5 23i, as passive, (on and off for 2 or 3 years), understand this PMC floor stander is a fine option, well matched with SN3. By extension, maybe with NSC222 too.

However, a current challenge is now working out the PMC active option and where that sites in the market place and how it interacts with Naim items. For me, right now, that’s with SN3 immediately, then other things, like maybe a separate pre-amplifier later. Or an improvement with streaming source. For example, with a psu added to our nDAC, etc, etc.

You don’t see so many Twenty5 23i ‘s matched with 282 - 252 - maybe NC 332. Although, I’m starting to feel comfortable with the idea that Twenty5 23i as active works really really well at the next level. Back at Basically Sound this weekend to explore that specific topic, as shown in post above.

Having started with this active idea, also considering other active options too, such as ATC alternatives. Initial findings are these are more accomplished executions of active. But at a higher price point. As always, “you pays your money”…


Great post.
Really useful and important contribution to many of the ideas explored in this thread.
Thank you for sharing a brilliant report.

A few ideas there…

First, yes, remember when PMC progressed Twenty5 with their “ i “ upgrade. Amongst a bunch of things, they changed the tweeter. Many before you have commented on a bright, forward presentation. Others might say more accurate, better timing and spacial openness.

Personally, I’m okay with that…
Take the whole SN3 with or without external psu debate?
For myself, prefer the “with HCDR” approach :+1:

With time and several auditions, think I’ve also figured out NC presentation, which tends towards more relaxed, maybe more balanced, (compared to previous incarnations of Naim). Suspect that over the years, the Naim sound signature has “mellowed” and “calmed”. Which might be a deliberate commercial decision?

So, logically, it might be a real thing, that NSC222 calms the Twenty5 drivers ….

Also, with better electronics, there is also an improvement in accuracy and control.

However, going active adds buckets of control.
Recent observation is this “tidies things up” quite a lot.

That’s such a fascinating idea too and would encourage you to explore this one. In time, intend to get to the bottom of this one too. Thoughts on this are interesting, as a side from any difference in SQ, because the cost differential is about £4k, (difference between PMC passive to active, compared to adding NC250 instead).

Of all the music and hifi things done over recent years, looking at speaker options has been the MOST challenging. Because it invariably leads you to question and analyse what style of musical presentation is for you. It’s a very personal thing.

Isn’t listening to music brilliant?



Does someone use the ATC100ASL?
I heard lots of good impressions about these speakers.
If I would go active instead passive DBL, the ATC may be an option?

Completely agree with all those ideas and findings.
And think your conclusion nicely summarises all the key variables in any decision for active approach.

Came to similar words, with own observation in OP, above…


Keep us all posted on any further thoughts or developments - with respect to - passive vs active ?



My feeling would be the SCM150ASLT would be closer to providing the scale offered by the DBL’s, as they have a 375mm bass driver compared to 315mm on the 100’s.

As ever, the best course of action is to get to listen to some ATC’S. .

Several forum members do. If you use the search tool you should find some.

@ratrat Apologies for the slow response, I’m away for a few days retrieving child No1 from uni. A few moments of calm before we load the car!

I’m certainly pondering my next Naim Lego brick steps as it were, but also experimenting with an alternative system I put together on a micro budget as well, which is proving quite interesting. Once I’m back and get a few moments I’ll write a quick outline, maybe in system pics :+1:

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I just recently bought a pair of ex-demo PMC Twenty5 23i’s and ordered the active upgrade kit to go with my Atom HE. I demo’d this set up at my dealers and was extremely impressed.

I was told it would be two months before they could get hold of the active upgrade kit so only four more weeks to go.:grin:


Thanks for your update on lead-times
Very helpful.

Best wishes


I have them, lovely speakers. My gear is in my profile.


@ratrat, I’m not picking up the 23’s until the dealer has the active board. I haven’t got a power amp only the Atom HE so couldn’t use them passive.

Agree, it would have been interesting to compare passive v active though.


Ah, okay
Missed that bit. Soz. Thanks for explaining :+1:

In that case, bet you’re really looking forward to having them in the house ?


Could also be interesting to compare NSC222 with active PMC against Nova PE with passive PMC, as both setups have class D amp and total cost is rather close.

NSC222 could be upgraded with the NPX300 PS.


Sounds exciting, maybe the dealer could loan you a power amp just to get you up and running while waiting for the active kit to arrive, just a thought😉