Advice On Choosing An Android Smartphone

My current Android phone has a dying battery, so I am in the market for a new SIM free unlocked Android phone.
I have been looking on the tinternet, and I am overwhelmed.
Therefore I would welcome suggestions from Android phone users.
I hardly take photos, other than things on our construction sites, so a camera without all the bells and whistles does not matter to me.
I do not play games or watch films/TV on my phone.
Sound quality of the music is importent as well as the Bluetooth standard.
Also to be able to install a SD card for extra memory.
Thank you.
Kind regards.

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What sort of budget do you have in mind?

Hi @elverdiblanco

Max spend of £600.00.
Thank you.
Kind regards.

This could be interesting.

Daughter and I both have 6 year old iPhone X, still love the phones, but on phone cameras have improved significantly over the years.

I’m tempted to try an Android phone for the first time.

Are the Oppo phones any good?

Why SIM free Roger?

Only asking as I’d personally prefer a phone with a physical SIM slot or at least that and e-SIM option.

I’d imagine we might be more limited with e-SIM options (at least with Apple) but maybe not with Android?

Hi @Alley_Cat
Because I already have a SIM card that I will put into the new phone.
I just want to buy a phone and not be under a contract.
Kind regards

Yes they are good.

I have a Find X5 Lite and Mrs TD has the Find X3 Lite and we’re pleased with both phones.

The battery life is amazing, 2 days minimum, and up to 4. Nice screens, fast and so far reliable.

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I’m the same to be honest, most of the phones we’ve had for quite some time have just been purchased as unlocked phones. There are so many good deals on SIMs, and I don’t like being on contracts either!

Main reason for asking is that I assume some phones will be eSIM only with no physical SIM slot these days?

It was looking at car specs I’ve seen some advertised with eSIMs for connectivity (and profit) so I assume the cars can’t use a physical SIM in these instances. May be wrong.

I’ve got the Google Pixel 7 , sim slot great phone gets updates for several,years.
If you want sound quality forget the speaker in phones you need to get headphones and streaming service. I’ve got the 256gb so plenty of storage.
Plus it’s got a great camera if you need it.
Or just buy a cheap phone for calls only and get a decent portable music SSD storage device for your-music

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Samsung S23 FE direct from Samsung.

Headline price is £600 for the 128GB model or £650 for 256GB storage.

However, they will give you a minimum of £100 for trading in any working smartphone, throw in a pair of Galaxy buds, 12 months of Disney+ and £100 cashback. No SD card slot but with the 256GB version would you really need it if you don’t take photos or watch TV/movies?

Re Oppo phones, I had a look at them before I got my Samsung and the display on the Samsung was streets ahead.

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Hi @trickydickie
Thank you for the information.
Have you ever had any issues with them, and how forth coming was the manufacturer in getting the issues resolved?
Kind regards.

Hi @Proterra
Thank you for the information.
Have you ever had any issues with them, and how forth coming was the manufacturer in getting the issues resolved?
Kind regards.

Hi @elverdiblanco
Thank you for the information.
Have you ever had any issues with them, and how forth coming was the manufacturer in getting the issues resolved?
Kind regards.

Do you have to have a Google sign-in to use these Android things or can you get away without that? I’m assuming you would to buy anything from an Android app store.

Hi @Alley_Cat
I have a Google account and only use free apps and then only those that are essential i.e. banking.

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SD slot is challenging these days…

It may be misplaced loyalty but I tend to trust Apple more than Google for privacy matters, but it’s probably more a case of having been sucked into the Apple ecosystem for many things over the years there might well be things I’d miss, but the main reason I will need a new phone at some stage is diminishing battery life and loss of updates.

I‘ve never had a phone for 6 years before without upgrading but the old iPhone still does everything I want it to, I’d just quite like a more modern camera on the phone but frankly the number of family/kids photos we take these days is tiny compared to only a few years ago.


In what way Svetty?

Lots of otherwise good phones don’t have them…

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That’s a shame, especially to hold things such as music/photos. It’s always been a frustration with iPhones and iPads for me and one of the benefits of Android. I guess most people just rely on cloud services.