Advice On Choosing An Android Smartphone

In the black Friday sales I treated myself to a 1TB NVME SSD and an enclosure like this

The idea was to use it as a backup drive for my music collection as NVME SSD failures are rare, as well as being very fast. That was all well and good so tonight I had the idea to try just plugging it in to the USB C port on my Samsung phone to see what happened. The phone recognised it and I was able to browse the files on it and play music from it so I didn’t even need a OTG cable as that functionality is built in by the looks of things. No more need to worry about storage on an Android :slight_smile:


My wife just got a Samsung S21 and its excellent. Did a lot of research first. Its a 2 year old model, but still very up to date, no issues there. The camera is great, its fast, clear screen, and the S21 is about the only phone out there (except 22 & 23 probably) with a 120 hertz refresh rate. That’s double all the others.
And the camera has an extremely wide-angle lens when selected.

The 120 htz refresh is easier on the eyes, but its also noticeable when scrolling and moving around on the touch screen as it has better sensitivity. Apple will probably follow suit soon. Battery is also very good, as is the price. It also has (2) stereo speakers and is 5G of course.

Check some reviews on youtube, there’s a review done by a hard-core iPhone guy comparing the appropriate iPhone. The S21 comes out on top. I’m sure the S22 and S23 are even better, but more expensive of course.

I have a Samsung A5 which is 6 years old and its still great. The battery is still excellent and it does everything well. We use our phones for the same things that you do … no movies or gaming. I’m impressed with the quality of the Samsung product.
Anyway, hope this helps and best of luck with your search and decision.

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If the only thing wrong with your existing phone is the battery, take it into a phone shop and get it replaced.

This, 5 years of security updates (and even 7 or 8 for the new Pixel 8). If buying an Android I’d hardly look anywhere else than the Pixel lineup.

It’s actually not that much. The build is less premium, more plastic vs glass. It’s waterproof rating is slightly lower (1 vs 1.5m), but on the flip side, it’s slightly smaller (could be either pro or con) and has better battery life.

I chose the 7a over the 7 at the time (work was paying, so not a cost based decision). Size and battery life were the major factors for me.

I’m using a Samsung J5 - my wife’s cast off phone before last. It was launched in 2017 but it’s all I need and can take an SD card. Loads available for under £100.

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Hi @david1111
Thank you very much for the information, I will away and investigate.
Kind Regards

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hi @spile
Another avenue for me to investigate.

My iPhone 13 max pro, which is 2 years old has 120hz refresh rate. Excluding a few common features, smooth scrolling is the most important factor for me. I tend to scroll a lot on phones and it’s so much more pleasant. Apparently it’s not just the 120hz that makes scrolling smooth though.

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Similarly, I chose the Pixel 6a over the 6 as I also prefer smaller phones.

The performance/specification gap certainly narrowed between the 7 and 7a, however, compared to the 6 abd 6a, however.

Hi @elverdiblanco

Thank you for the heads up on the offer.
I have purchased the 23FE.
£100 trade in, £100 cash back and 12 months of Disney + for free.


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