Air Rifle purchase, anyone any experience?

How did you manage to bend it!

Gorgeous lill critter

This very true, and I believe it’s the area of firearms handling that is most often ignored in the control legislations.
Guns and their magazines and their ammunition should all be locked up separately. In Canada, we have to take a course for handguns, but not for long guns. So, target shooting enthusiasts are actually, overall safer when they have hanguns because they know exactly how to store them and handle them as well. Whereas, one can have a rifle delivered to their home from the store, and not just air rifles.
I think a gun safety course should always be required, and for air guns as well.


This is beginning to feel like a thread that Naim might not regard as truly reflecting their ethos.


You make a good point David. However, this thread is in a Forum called Padded Cell. Lol.

David, I think that could possibly apply to a number of threads here. It is after all, the Padded Cell…

As for this thread, there’s no obvious breach of forum AUP, it’s perfectly legal to possess and use an air rifle in the UK, and also grey squirrels are regarded as an invasive non-native species by the WCA and are listed in the IUCN international list of 100 worst invasive non-native species. They are regarded as a pest species and afforded no protection under the WCA.

On that basis I’ve no good reason thus far to moderate or terminate the thread, although I do acknowledge that discussion of firearms, even air guns, can be controversial, as can discussion of culling any animal, regardless of how invasive or destructive it might be to other areas of the ecosystem.


Any squirrels involved?

Sorry andy

No all supervised and strict rules and control at the gun club.

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No, we’re all very welcomin’ down ‘ere!


Squirrel. Hunting.


Brilliant jamie. Lighten the tone!:grin:

My thoughts too. How Naim can allow this thread, whilst banning others is beyond me.

“Hi, I’m not very good at this, but just need a bit of advice on a powerful rifle so I can make sure I blow a squirrel’s head off”. Or not, as probably the case.

If you have squirrel problems, go and ring a professional to make sure it’s done humanely. Not sit in your back garden wearing camouflage waiting for the poor thing to nick your nuts.

Bad taste. Yeah, yeah, don’t read it if you don’t want to blah, blah.

I tried to flag this subject, but it didn’t allow me to as others have apparently done so already.


The squirrel / pest thing seems to generate a legitimacy around killing them, I suspect if it wasn’t squirrels something else would be found, I’m not including the OP but some people do quite enjoy it and nothing better than an apparent legitimate excuse to justify their actions.

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For my part, whenever I shoot a squirrel, pheasant or rabbit I feel somewhat sad about it. Certainly not something that I do for pleasure or fun.
But I also kill rats and mice that get into the house. I’m not sure that there is a difference, really, and I am certainly not prepared to allow rats and mice to have free run of the house. Similarly I treat any infestations of woodworm, to kill them.


I have shot a few varmints in the past and have enjoyed ‘the sport’ but ask yourself this…
If animal welfare is top of your agenda, does the creature concerned care if you are enjoying yourself?


My primary reason for starting this thread was too illicit some information to enable me to better protect specific UK wildlife in a legal, and in my view ethical way.

I have to say that your comments

Just makes me feel that you have missed the point entirely and says more about your views and understanding than mine. You have an absolute right to your view of course. If you disagree with my view fine, but please don’t belittle it.

I have had some good advice from several posters now and ask @Richard.Dane to consider closing the thread accordingly. It is not my intention to “upset” other members of the forum.


I’ve caught 17 mice in a live trap over the past few weeks, all were released a few miles from home.

Hi Hollow.

Nothing wrong with that but it’s illegal for me to catch and release a Grey Squirrel and I won’t break the law.

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