Albums or artists that really grate on you

I remember years ago being at a mate’s house and he played Dark Side and I just didn’t get what he was making a fuss about, I actually found it quite depressing. He followed that with the Wall which was more listenable but still, not something I’ve ever really had the desire to listen to again.
I do have A Momentary Lapse of Reason, there’s a few tracks on that which I quite like and I also have The Division Bell which to my ears is tedious.

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i enjoyed pink floyd, doors, stones, some beatles, hendrix…20 years ago. But today i have no desire to listen to these classics. I wonder how people can still listen to these same albums again and again…
I have perhaps no nostalgia…


All my mates dislike Yes and yet they have been my go to band since I was 15. Still love them! Wife runs for cover if I put Fragile on…



Possibly because we enjoy them Mr Rooster. Good music is good music no matter how old it is.


yes, i understand. It’s just me…

After this weeks documentary it will be more difficult to listen to Michael Jackson’s album - without the thought of the other part of his past life…

:small_blue_diamond: BertBird,…I choose to disregard this.

You do not know what is true,…I think it’s very weird,that these people start talking about this in publicly 10 years after Michael’s death.

There are so many weird people,who do everything to get money from others.
And in this case,…it becomes very odd when the person they accuses cannot defend itself.

:black_small_square:Why didn’t they come up with these accusations when Michael lived…??

As I said,…I choose to disregard this,and think that these people are cowardly,pitiful people,…who come up with this when the person is dead and unable to defend himself.

:small_orange_diamond:The word money craving is probably the reason for this.!!

/Peder :thinking:


I think I understand where you’re coming from. As a teenager I enjoyed (or at least thought I did) music by the likes of The Mothers Of Invention (Weasels Ripped My Flesh, Burnt Weeny Sandwich etc), Captain Beefheart (Trout Mask Replica), Edgar Broughton Band, etc…

I still have the albums, but almost never feel moved to play them. When I last put on TMR a few months ago I lasted about 10 minutes before taking it off - absolute rubbish, I felt quite ill!

So, I guess our tastes can, and do, change over the years. Just as long as we don’t become too judgemental of the tastes of others I don’t see that it matters. I sometimes cringe when I see some of the posts in ‘What are you playing now’ thread, but I wouldn’t dream of posting a critical response. Thank goodness we all enjoy different things, but sometimes share the same likes. I often check out the artists I’ve never heard of. More often than not they’re not to my taste, but you have to kiss a lot of frogs…as my dear old Mum used to say!


Take care - if you research this area, you may find yourself having to remove quite a few very well known artists from your playlists!



This is IMO one of the worst songs ever sung, I really cannot listen to any Whitney, it’s like fingernails on a black board :hear_no_evil:

I love Zappa - definitely one of my top 5 favorite artists, but TMR I never got on with, and there is a boatload of FZ stuff that is better than the early Mothers stuff, which I rate as mostly “meh” with some excellent stuff here and there like Hot Rats. (Which I think mirrors FZ’s own opinion of his oeuvre.) Not really a big fan of the Flo and Eddie iteration of the Mothers either, with notable exceptions like “Willie the Pimp”.

But once he hit stride and could get the level of musicians he really needed they were incredible. (In the beginning almost none of his band members could read, so Ian Underwood was teaching the band the pieces, and each member would have to learn them from wrote memory.) So Frank was writing and Ian was teaching, THEN they could begin rehearsals - not exactly an efficient way to run a band.

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Quite true.

I really don’t know what to think about MJ except that I’d never imagine he could have been a malicious person, but naïve yes, and where were the family and business people who should have been keeping him away form actions which were surely odd.

I will have to listen to the eponymous Blind Faith album but the cover is quite sickening to me as are a few others I could mention. It really shows how different the world is today compared to 40-50 years ago when either people were less sensitive or maybe the artists thought they’d ‘get away with it’ controversial covers.

There is a recent album cover I saw on Qobuz I found unpleasant which seems to show a naked girl in a fridge.

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Not defending him or justifying what he did in any way, his music remains the same, he was a very talented person and created some great music. Not my personal choice but I appreciated what he did.

I will still listen to music but will feel disappointed that some one I used to respect wasn’t the person I though he was.

But we dont actually know anything do we?

One for another thread perhaps :blush:

:small_blue_diamond: Guinnless,…As I also write above.


You’ve reminded me - I must play it this weekend! It’s brilliant! If TMR makes you ill gawd knows what you’d make of Non, Throbbing Gristle, Nurse With Wound or Whitehouse…

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Not a lot! Each to their own, glad they give you pleasure.

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He’s got impeccable phrasing and an uncanny sense of time. He’s recorded a lot of dross, but if you listen to some of his jazz stuff (the recordings with Basie, Songs for Swinging Lovers, Sings only for the Lonely, In the Wee small hours etc), you’ll hear why. Of course, you need to like that genre and be familiar with the other umpteen versions to understand that Frank’s really special.

He certainly is not known for his vocal gymnastics or incredible range :slight_smile: