AMG lookup

Thanks Chris


If you’re happy with the way it’s working now, there’s no need to update it. The main change is to speed up online metadata searches when ripping CDs, so it depends if you are finding that to be a problem.

Only when it rips? Not even when you put something in the download folder?

It’s the metadata for rips only (and not at all downloads). The priority metadata lookup service AMG closed a year or so back and the Unitiserve can become bogged down by failed lookups.

The update is pretty well essential I would say, but only if you use the Unitiserve for ripping.



Metadata for downloads cannot be added or edited by the Unitiserve, so this only applies to CD rips.

Inserted the disc this evening and, less than a minute later, it pops out. Almost an hour later and the Uniti-Serve hasn’t done a thing - no flashing logos, no reboot… Yet when I check n-serve it says the System Version is now 1.7c RC1 and the system messages say “Automated Upgrade Finished”.

The only one that didn’t seem to happen was “Failed to kill the process ‘NaimTVgui’. Reason = Unable to locate the process”, so I can only assume it isn’t relevant to the Uniti-Serve.

It does restart itself automatically as part of the update and the final manual restart seems not always to be necessary for some reason.

I suspect it restarted itself when you weren’t looking but who knows? Anyway it’s obviously worked so your ripping metadata lookup should be much smoother now.



Thanks David, have just ripped a new CD and it went straight to MusicBrainz (who couldn’t find the info), bypassing AMG completely so all looks OK.

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I too have just received the update disc and followed the instructions (broadly) for the 1.7b update.
I checked that I was indeed already running 1.7b then inserted the disc.
After a very short time, I removed the disc leaving the tray open.
Very soon after that, the tray closed itself and the update process began.
After maybe 10-15 minutes and a few messages such as “Updating do not turn off” (or similar) it returned to the home screen.
I powered the HDX down using the remote and once shut down, I turned off the rear switch, waited a moment and turned it back on again.
Once it had rebooted, I checked and my HDX is now running version 1.7c RC1
I’ll now check the ripping process as I have around another 90 to rip.

If it says 1.7 RC1 then it has installed it fine. RC1 refers to the Release Candidate beta, but basically Naim haven’t found it necessary to change the firmware identity so that it doesn’t say RC1 and that’s fine as the firmware didn’t change from the beta.


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Just ripped three fairly obscure albums after the update, all found including album art.

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