Ansuz A2 Powerswitch any good?

Interested in this switch and wonder if anyone made the move from EE8 to A2 Powerswitch and can share their thoughts? @leatherneck maybe? A friend of mine have made the move and stated the upgrade was significant even though he had Farad3 on EE8.

If switch is needed in a network almost all reports I’ve heard upgrading from EE8 to expensive switches were positive including Ansuz.

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I did, with a pheonix net included in the testing period too. The ansuz made such a difference that my friend refused to believe that was all I’d changed

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Same Ethernet cable when comparing? Which one do you use?

This may be of interest….


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Thanks! Read them all but this one was more than 3 years ago so maybe more feedback available now :slight_smile:

Yes same cables at the time, Blue Jean but have since switched to ansuz cables which were damned expensive but very good

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Got a good offer on a used Ansuz Powerswitch D2 and D2 ethernet cable so I went all in :slight_smile:


Hifi plus made a comparison between PhoenixNet and the Anzus XTC switch.
They said:

« When I put the Ansuz next to the Innuos a week later things had changed quite markedly, now it was difficult to say which was the more neutral and transparent of the two. They sound different with the Ansuz giving a slightly more three dimensional account of the music albeit one that can seem a little pumped up next to the calmer presentation of the PhoenixNet. The result seems to be the same regardless of where the signal originates, be it from the local server or Qobuz you get the same small variation«

But yours is the 5k middle one, much more expensive vs the 3k PhoenixNet.

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I’ve read about a few that claims PN is leaning towards the soft side and those compared to EE8 claiming EE8 is more speedy and neutral. I would not need any more softness in my system and from what my friend who jumped from EE8 and Farad to A2 and now D2 tells me I will not be disappointed.

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I liked the pheonix net, it was a big step up from the ee8 and was set to buy but my dealer suggested I took that and the ansuz and the ansuz was just better all round even before I put better ethernet cables on it.


Can’t comment because I never heard EE8, neither Anzus.
For my ears the PhoenixNet sounds full, organic, with a lot of drive and bass. It’s very similar to the old classic Naim sound signature. I don’t find it soft.

I completely agree with your description. There’s nothing ‘soft’ about the PhoenixNet, its overriding sound quality is naturalness, along with PR&T ala classic Naim, which comes from its Sean Jacobs dual rail LPS


I ended up with Ansuz D2 Powerswitch with D2 Ethernet cable and as you I found it sounded better than PN when I compared them.

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