Anxiety and Depression

How long are you in bed for? With my tossing and turning patients I suggest going to bed at midnight and getting up at 6 am regardless of how well they have slept. This builds up a pressure to sleep better. It takes about 3 weeks to get used to. After that increase time in bed by an hour every few weeks till you n bed for about 8 hours a night.

I use to be a night owl I’d rarely go to bed before midnight sleep well wake around 6.30 and felt good. I’ve never needed much sleep and would hardly ever sleep in. Occasionally I’d get an early night (once every two weeks or so) for the same result

Now I find I’m running out of steam and go before 10pm. But I have tried to stay awake till later but still waking between 2.30-3.30am.


Could also be worth talking to your GP as you’ve got a lot on you plate at the moment to deal with.


I figured that was the case, I swim a kilometre 5 mornings and walk 5ks on one of the other days. I’ve read keeping fit and active was important and I also thought that’d help with sleeping.

I’m seeing my specialist soon I’ll talk to her and see if she can help. Thank you. :+1:


Keeping fit will help anyway, so that should be a given. Anyway my best wishes for finding the right way through.


In relation to another thread, I posted this retirement consideration from 2021:

Crikey, I’m just going through it again now and can’t believe the mental nosedive I went through in 2022 partly due to factors mentioned there coupled with a general deterioration in my health, culminating in a period of sick leave in 2022 - enough was enough from a physical and mental viewpoint, only thought I’d be off work for a couple of weeks but it took longer.

@IanRobertM - believe it or not attending that Nightwish concert in Birmingham was a significant moment in helping me get back to work a few weeks later, it just marked a stepping stone where I needed to get back to a bit of normality.

I actually thought I’d bounced back from ‘rock bottom’ 6-7 months ago, but no, I definitely hadn’t got back to where I used to be. Maybe approaching that in the last few weeks but maybe not.

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Hi BrianD

That’s an excellent and pertinent post, and highlights many pitfalls of internet resources, but I think this thread is primarily about shared experiences and informal non-professional support of others and is undoubtedly valuable.

From my own view on postings I think most (perhaps not all) who have had more serious concerns have already engaged with professional services and are expanding on the benefits of doing so.

In essence I think this is an incredibly fascinating and supportive thread which has allowed many to open up informally about issues which have or might be affecting them. I’d consider YouTube links etc in a similar vein - potentially supportive but not strictly purporting to be professional advice (as with most social media of whatever persuasion).

Kind regards



Good. But shame we didn’t meet up… :thinking:

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Very well expressed. Thank you… :smiley:


Yes, it was all a bit of a spur of the moment trip, and the drive took longer than expected due to Apple Maps leading me on a wild goose chase on poor roads due to heavy traffic, and then round and round doing U turns when looking for the hotel, so it was already quite late when I arrived at the venue!

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And I bought my ticket, more than 1 year before… :crazy_face:

But - for you - a good outcome…?

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Yes, it was an excellent concert.

I’m not a big concert goer compared to many here, nor do I enjoy travelling away from home that much, or at least I’m not good at planning such things!

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I can relate to that. For me, the NEC is just down the road or railway, from Rugby. But… Nightwish was the 1st ‘big’ concert I had done, in many years… :astonished:

Until then, I had only been going to small or medium size gigs, some closer to home (such as the excellent De Montfort Hall, in Leicester), some a bit further (so Birmingham Town Hall or Symphony Hall).

My next gig is in the room above a pub in Nuneaton…!!! Dark Side of the Wall - a very good (IMO) Pink Floyd tribute band, originally from Coventry - as am I…

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Lucky old you going to Nuneaton my hometown :sunglasses:

Just down the road, from Coventry or Rugby… :slightly_smiling_face:

Postponed - new date tba - due to illness… :expressionless:

But… its just a concert - and it will be re-scheduled - or refunded.

Shikatta ga nai… as they say in Japan.

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Slightly off-topic but in the last week or so something has triggered lots of random childhood memories - simply things I’d forgotten about probably but as I’ve had a flurry of them were they in some way repressed?

I mentioned somewhere, maybe above, that I sense I’ve started 2024 with a different slant on things, and feel enthused to tackle a few things I’ve put off for too long, including decluttering loads of paperwork/items which I’ve been attached to and kept for no rational reason (e.g. unused expensive gadgets which are very dated and of little intrinsic value or use but may originally have been expensive - I have loads of old photo printers which are likely to be clogged which have been in storage for years, why???).

I also sense my demeanour may have changed posting in threads in recent weeks, not sure what to make of that.


This… sound very positive, I think… :thinking:

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For the most part I’d like to think so.


Mostly Positive. Or Mostly Harmless… :crazy_face:

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