Anyone checked out the website recently

So, for others to suggest first rather than you, before which represents which (with reasoning)?

But what about a non Naim user who’s come across the website for the first time?

I see the washing machine is still there.



I see that it still thinks everyone is based in the USA.


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Looks like a nice front loader. :wink:

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Ok I nearly spat out my mid morning coffee seeing this. Irony is: the text itself is inaccessible due to contrast threshold failure.

If you have to put text over an image please provide a transparent background or text outline for the text so it remains readable for all users.


Still trying to understand the Naim website and noted this.

Must admit that I can’t find a definition for “Purposeful Materiality”.


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Oh, it’s there under Naim Universe/(drop down)About Us/Naim - point 3. But omits to point out that anodising is also a key point alongside the use of aluminium.


We use materials that excel in performance, not just appearance. Our founder, Julian Vereker, realised the benefits of using aluminium to protect our electronic components from magnetic fields, temperature fluctuations, and unwanted vibrations.

Naim use the term on their website, but in the real work, can’t find a definition relating to physical material.

However, “Materiality” is used in the financial accounting world.


They’ve used that term for years. It was meaningless twaddle then, and it’s meaningless twaddle now.


That ” Figures” :wink:


when my mind attempted to define what “purposeful materiality” might mean; first interpretation aligned with the webpages information…

‘materials chosen for reasons’ (that serve a purpose).

glad aluminium is so useful; and I am a fan of great heat sinking (‘no fans needed’) etc…

As marketing literature it certainly means something to me, but I find it hard to imagine ANY manufacturer, beaides some boutique brands, that would use materials that serve no purpose.

Quite simply-finite cost needs bring benefits to the product or else is redundant, and risks ruining the brand (if it cannot compete in the marketplace)…

This probably got lots of oohs and aahs during design presentations. Beyond lip service, persuading clients to consider the actual needs of their users is always a challenge.

Imagine if it became the norm to include a range of typical users in these design meetings, one user for every client / marketing person / designer / developer, etc.

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You hit the nail on the head. Have experienced it first hand. Putting form over function in web design.

The good news is as legislation is changing, inclusive design and involving users are becoming more and more the norm, especially in certain sectors.

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“A number of products state they come with a Powerline. If it’s the Lite it needs to be more clear. The lite version is not included under accessories.”

Still outstanding from the previous website thread.

Another outstanding from the previous thread - serial numbers.

It seems gimmicky presentation has taken precedence over accurate product information.

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Yeah and even more clear that that’s only for the UK market. In the EU we get a kettle plug.

I have just responded to an enquiry from a new forum member, regarding US and instructions.

There are three places on the Naim website where a search can be instigated.
Only one of the three return a result for “UnitiServe”
The top right hand Q search, on the homepage, certainly doesn’t provide a result, when it really should, requiring a search of product documentation, when that area can be found.
Perhaps @Richard.Dane can draw attention to this.
The irony is that Uniti Atom returns, so the website either needs be responsive when a space is and is not used, not just one form, when describing or search for any Uniti product.
The information will be stored in a database and retrieval can be set to accommodate such variances.

*edit - on the website the “FraimLite” is listed as one word - on the accessories price list it is listed as “Fraim Lite”.

Unless the search function accommodates these variances, there will only be flaky responses to search!*


I have started a new thread, to highlight how to find the instruction manuals, after two thread just today, were puzzling as to how to find them on the new website. The magic word is “assistance” !

Could Be Better - IMHO.

What Order are the items in…? Could be -should be- alphabetical - but they are not.

Weird - so poor.

Entirely agree. I’m not a techy but I have done sort orders for database retrieval, which is what almost certainly lies behind the website.
I would order in the following way.
Current products first, then discontinued products towards the end .
Within each category, category - like all-in-one, pre, pre streamers, naps, all thru’ accessories at end.
The current list doesn’t even have Ovator speakers grouped together, This is fundamental sort orders.
I am perplexed as why this has proven to be so difficult.
As to why the serial number section wasn’t corrected in the first week - serious lack of attention to detail.
@Richard.Dane the last we heard, Salisbury was providing a list to the ‘top’. It would seem not much has changed - seriously, is this the reality? Many of us on the forum, will, belatedly, play our part, but I don’t think I’m alone in thinking this is all falling into a hole, of whatever colour or dimensions is most appropriate!