Anyone checked out the website recently

I’m told that Naim have made a list of things that they wish changed/improved/added and that there was to be a meeting today after which this would then be presented for review at the “top” and then hopefully actioned by the marketing team.


All good… but this one is a real bad one.

Wouldn’t want Naim to miss it… Unless, of course, its all way beyond embarrassing…

That is hilarious!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Someone must be taking the p*ss.

Well, if after today’s meeting the parent group doesn’t fix all the issues then you’ll know how much they care for the Naim having an image that exudes the highest quality and commitment to the best possible music reproduction.

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Might be the vat of goo my Supercap DR got dipped into :rofl:

Just need @Skeptikal to post a ‘Frying tonight’ image from Carry On Screaming.

Actually maybe not, I forgot people get upset about CO movies.

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I did actually wonder if a few of the photos might have come from Focal’s production areas?

The chap in the pic has a Gallic look to me, or maybe it’s Novak.

Something about the still or video clip reminded me of Apple’s iPod type animated neon promotional images/videos of yesteryear - quite different really but both are just trying to show someone enjoying music. Doesn’t quite mean it works though.

I still think the scale is wrong on the main site and he looks like he’s dancing next to a set of large snazzy fridge-freezers, simply because we don’t have context of a domestic space with speakers/furniture etc.

The website has had its chips.



Oddly, I have seen that image but am not certain it was there when the site went live.

I think I’ve seen this photo before, possibly in a print copy of ‘connections’. I think it’s part of the anodising process for 500 series casework.

That may be so, but don’t recall seeing that being undertaken at the Naim factory when I did a tour there.

Plus, the picture is not associated with hand matching componentry.


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I would say that there was a brief given, I think the main aim was to bring a degree of uniformity between two brands that are not always full of synchronicity

Naim bring a large degree of legacy issues that most audio companies (Quad excepted don’t) just look at Technics, Arcam etc

I for one found the flashing images disturbing

My thought is there was no Beta testing ,

Anyone can make a mistake

As the Dalek said climbing off the dustbin


The most absurd thing IMO is that they removed the overview where you could easily see and go to the different series. Impossible to understand the structure for someone who doesn’t know Naim from before.

I’m not arguing…

Couldn’t find it in the copies I have anyway.
Maybe it was from a Statement launch video.

Not sure I actually care any more…

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The detailing under Physical Spec’s for Statement is still awry – and we have reference to a ‘Bonne loudspeaker’, and it has a headphone jack. One assumes it was a long meeting yesterday?

  • Analogue gain :
    15dB + 30dB
  • Analogue inputs :
    3x DIN, 3x RCA, 2x XLR (balanced) + XLR balanced
  • Analogue Outputs :
    DIN (unbalanced) and XLR (balanced) + Bonne loudspeaker compatible with 4mm connectors and lugs
  • Headphone outputs : 1 x jack 6,35 mm

If they’re going to use stock images, then perhaps…


The upgraded Solstice for the upcoming Munich Show.



First time checking out the website from my desktop and it looks very good - much better than I expected.

But the flashing images and the image selection - dancing bloke etc was all a bit too frenetic for me.

[quote=“Innocent_Bystander, post:37, topic:34511, full:true”]

I would think this photo would be obvious to any Naim user: Source, preamp, amp. Of course if this was a number of years back there would be about a half dozen more of him for all the other black boxes ‘needed’…