Anyone in the UK getting any rain?

15 mm yesterday but the storms passed me by in GL6. Followed the lightning map for an hour before the frizzled out either side of me.

Chucking it down here on IOW. Although as I type this it might be about to brighten up!

Gloryb be, a downpour in the West End. Excellent.

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rain in Bromsgrove last night

I was coming back from some meetings in Dorset around 4pm yesterday - started to rain when I left from light to call Norah ! M5 standing water around Michaels wood the rain stopped north of Twekesbury - around 150 + miles I think took 90 mins longer to get home, nothing today however

Yes, shitting it down here in mid Essex now.


A Channel 5 weather presenting career awaits :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:


We had a massive downpour for an hour this afternoon. A stream was pouring down the road and cars were raising waves and high spray as they drive down the gentle hill. I was on a Teams call watching it at the front of the house.

So I didn’t find until later that the rain had flooded our kitchen through the open back door. The water has got under the solid wood laminate in one place and it is squelching, so I am a bit concerned…

Really chucking it down here on IOW right now. Cats and dogs. The skies have opened. Thunder crash bang wallop.

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It’s nice to know that even God hates cricket! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It’s been lashing down here in mid-Hertfordshire since mid-morning. At least the close thunder and lightning have stopped now so I can plug the system back in.

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Finally rained here where we are in the South of France, pretty much all day today. There have been quite a few storms which produced rain further away in the mountains, but today has been the first day of sustained rain, precisely here, since Christmas, in fact.
We are all relieved that the threat of forest fire has - hopefully - been lessened, and the animals and plants must be relieved too.

I just went for a long walk through the woods with Orson (the dog), and the smell of petrichor/geosmin was deliciously intoxicating.


Still not a drop in Harwich but the daughter in Manningtree is well pleased with the amount that fell on her allotment.

I sat on the Halfpenny Pier at Harwich and you could watch the stiff(ish) on shore breeze holding the weather away from the estuary.


“Rod…best get the cushions in love, think its going to tip it down!”


After yesterday’s downpour we’ve not had a drop today - in fact, back to warm and sunny this afternoon. Started clearing the wildflower patch on the Green but couldn’t do more than 2 hours raking in the heat - had to have a few beers to replenish the lost salts.



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Pleased to read of Orson .


Watered my greenhouse plants with fresh rain water.

No thank you card… as yet, but it looks like a bumper bunch of chillies this year


I was out walking with friends in Stanmer Park, on the edge of Brighton and it was trying to rain all morning, only a few drops here and there. Then on the drive home, around 12:50 the clouds opened and dumped lots of water, causing localised flooding. I had an 8 metre run to get into the house, and was totally soaked getting there, last time I got that wet so quickly in a rainstorm was in monsoon season in Sri Lanka. As a result, the car and the conservatory are a lot cleaner and the garden probably isn’t concerned about the hosepipe ban tonight, so a worthwhile silver lining.


That’s not good, I hope the damage isn’t too bad and there’s not MDF underneath!

There’s concrete underneath, which is the good news and also the bad news!

From an empty basin in the garden, I can see that we got more than 2 inches of water in an hour.

Gosh……we are wishing for more rain…….but not that much. Sorry to hear of your news.