Are you "All White"?

I didn’t mind green lights, but they were brighter than they needed to be and cast a distinctive colour across the room which didn’t always blend in with our colour schemes. So I prefer white because it’s more or less neutral, although still brighter than they need to be.

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Only the very earliest chrome bumper kit had red lights before they switched to green.

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Before the Naim logos were illuminated, they were white or silver…

CB NAP250 -

(or some weird colour…)


A photo collage as a joke or is there any truth in it?

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Yes, it was a slivery white. Unfortunately, when Naim changed to a polycarbonate fascia around '85, age and light would turn the logo from silvery white to a more bronze colour.


It currently applies to the 500 series kit, although you can still specify a green logo for the time being, if you so wish, provided they are still available.


It’s odd that only HiFi Pig seem to know about it. You’d think Naim would put it as news on the website, though given the website is pretty dreadful it’s perhaps not a surprise.


Naim sent out a communication to all their dealers and distributors today.


That means the new 500 series will take longer to come

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They look really good with the white logos.


Baleful red, Rega
Sickly green, old classic Naim
corpse white, New Classic Naim
belligerent blue, Linn
? yellow, ?

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I really couldn’t give a flying mouse mat what colour the light is.


Oh my, a bunch of old sad old musos debating logo colours :frowning_face:

And more seriously what future the 5s, XS and SN3?


Meh, change for change’s sake. Marketing department out of control, yet again. What next, McIntosh with white lights ? Not a chance, it’s their trademark, just like green was Naim’s.


I’d probably be happy with any colour except white.


It’s worth remembering that the white lit logo is nothing new and has been a part of Naim kit for almost 10 years now (Statement, Mu-Sos, New Unitis…).


It’s a worthwhile discussion I think. It’s a small but significant change to the 500 series, which has been top of the Naim real world tree for a good few years, certainly in the case of the amplifiers. Their green logo is part of their visual character.

I can see the logic, as the newer stuff, Statement, mu-so, Uniti, NC boxes, are all white. White certainly aids matching, but who’d be matching 500 series with New Classics? Given that the 500 must have but a short time to live, it seems slightly odd.


My BD NAP160, purchased in 1978, had a green light on/off switch.


My set of NAP500DR need an update then!

I had asked if the S1 Pre white could be offered in green years ago when I ordered mine - and was told ‘yes - for a price’ …and was too intimidated to further enquire into just how much extra and have come to love the white. Also you get a 10 or 16 bit choice via the remote of which shade of white you want to have. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think I would miss the little green lights in the dark when playing music. I turned the S1 white down to about the same subjective brightness and it works well enough.

All good - just don’t have the default white too bright - or offer dimming options. :bear:


It strikes me that if the OC500 series only had a short time to live, they wouldn’t have bothered with this. Rather I think it suggests that any new 500 series is actually some years away.

Just my two penneth.