Asus mesh and Naim Muso

Configure the Tivo box to the Asus LAN SSID/password and successfully connect the device (not just switch it off and on). Same for all devices.

Sorry but if you mean connect the TiVo to asus routers and enter password for them in Wi-Fi settings on TiVo I done that and can confirm it did not work unless you mean manually changing ip address for every device on my network thanks

You have wireless settings (SSID) and passwords setup in the Asus router.
You connect the devices to the Asus router using these settings.
The IP addresses are assigned automatically by the DHCP on the Asus router.
The devices then connect to the Asus router.

Try connecting your Ipad.

Yes thanks I changed the ip in asus lan settings got my iPad to connect to the internet on asus network but the naim still came up with the same problem I am afraid.

There can be an issue with which socket you connect the first mesh puck to.

I can’t remember off-hand, but it’s either the first or the last of the LAN sockets on the back of the virgin router (which must be in modem mode). Your first mesh puck should be hard wired into one of these (you have to go by trial and error)

Not sure after that if you’re meant to leave the other 4 or 5 LAN sockets free of any extra plug-ins.

Worth a go ?

You did try to reconfigure the Naim network settings to the Asus router didn’t you.
Try a cable for the Naim or suggest contact Naim support.
MuSo Gen 1 are wireless flakey but should not be this awkward.
Also switch it on and off a couple of times.

Clearly the Asus is working so you should be able to connect all your other devices.

You do have your Virgin wireless switched off don’t you and make sure it stays off.

I have it hardwired via Ethernet it makes no difference yes reset the naim to try and connect to asus network I go back and forward from having virgin in modem mode for the moment as I can only get the speaker to work with that along with one or two ring devices.

The first asus router is connected to the first top Ethernet socket thanks

Every time you put the Virgin hub into modem mode it changes the IP address (probably to which may then confuse the connected Asus router (with different Internet gateway).
(reboot both the Virgin and Asus after every change you make to them).

Do the ring devices, Ipad, Iphone and other devices all work OK off the Asus router when the Virgin hub is in router mode.

Did you get the MuSo from a dealer? If so I would take it back to the dealer to sort it or otherwise contact Naim support by telephone.

The Virgin reboots automatically anyway when put in modem mode only 3 devices don’t work with asus network Naim and 2 ring floodlight cams. I purchased my Speaker from John Lewis but being a 1st Gen it is years old and out of warranty also I can not say for sure if Naim or Asus is at fault

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