Auditioning Supernait 3 to replace XS3

Supernait 3 is in the house on audition. The audition model is certified refurbished but the one I’d buy would be new given the current discounts.

Have noticed a huge difference with my ATC 11v2s. Seems the XS3 is underpowered in my system for these speakers at least.

Any thoughts on refurbished models? It’s only $500 more now for new so seems a no brainer to go new.


This is the thread I do not want to read X)

My XS3 is trying to look calm.


I wouldn’t hesitate to buy refurbished. It might depend on any trade-in deal though. When buying my XS3 I went new because the dealer gave me a good price on my NAIT3


My sincere apologies. XS3 is great… maybe just less great with power hungry 85db ATCs. If I had 88-89db speakers I’d stay with the XS3 (and spend the $ on a source upgrade hehe)


Therein lies the key to XS range joy :slight_smile:


Once you’ve heard an improvement it’s hard to willingly row back.
If you can afford new I’d go that route for peace of mind.
Looks great and SN3 is a very popular product for very good reason.
There likely to be a new classic integrated coming down tracks but nothing imminent so might as well go all in now!


I didn’t hesitate either. Mine was used in a show before I bought it ‘refurbished’. That was 3 years ago IIRC. Love it to death no issues at all. For the OP I had a XS2 previously and it was fantastic but yes the SN3 is better.


It looks very comfortable in its new surroundings. On the new or refurbished I would want to know more details around what the refurb tag means, for example is it new but had some minor cosmetic that has been sorted out or is it something more than that?

Agree. That would be nice info to know. Unfortunately, Naim does not share info on what exactly was refurbished. The same 2 year warranty, from the new purchase date, as on new products applies.

In which case I’d be inclined to keep the refurbished, I am on my second SN3, first one was replaced, both were new. If Naim have refurbed something and its done all the QA checks and comes with the as new warranty then would bag the discount.

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If unit comes with the same warranty, why waste money unnecessarily on a new unit. I have regularly purchased ex demonstration items and for me just saves time on ‘burn in’. Ultimately, it is really just like having a unit which has just been serviced but comes with full warranty, spend the difference on a better cable etc. As for your speaker, 85DB sensitivity is going to need some clout to perform well.


I’d tend to agree if it was the usually $2000 difference, but currently the new models are at a major discount here in Canada whereas the refurbs are at the same as usual prices, so that lowers the difference to $500.

I hear your on the value of a naim refurb. Seem to be high quality, and saves some burn in.

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I’m not surprised by your findings. ATCs are wonderful speakers, in my biased opinion, but they do thrive on amplifier power, even with the smaller models that are likely to be used in more modest systems. ATC make no bones about this in their FAQs and their own integrated amps start at 100 wpc.

As for new vs refurbed, there’s a little extra pride of ownership in having a product from new, at least for me, and that’s the way I would go. But there’s no universal right choice. However you jump, enjoy your new amp.



Check the warranty conditions for the refurbished model. Depending on your location you may find that the warranty given on a new unit is extended to 5 years for the original purchaser. If so, you may or may not be offered the same coverage on a refurb.


just don’t audition a hicap with the sn3 later… you’ll be poorer


Warranty? :wink:

2 year warranty with either option. No 5 year available in Canada, regrettably.

Occasionally you see on this forum a user who has bought a new item that had developed a fault that needed the item to be replaced. Having a refurbished item could lower the odds of that happening since it has hopefully had a good going over. Use that saving for a powerline.


Please consider chopping in your Neats for a pair of used Naim Allaes. I would be surprised if you subsequently gave another Naim amplifier a second thought!

And now back to the thread…

Yours enthusiastically,


Interesting and useful perspective. Thanks Tobyjug