Awesome YouTube Stuff


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It’s funny what individually ticks the boxes musically for us and what doesn’t. I think my tastes are changing as I get older. While I still listen to a huge variety of genres I seem to be fixated on some of this metal/prog stuff currently.

Nice song, but never heard of Tambourine Guy (movie? TV Show?). Don’t think him prancing around like a headless chicken partially inspired by male dancer’s from 60’s musicals does much other than serve as a distraction.

Is it me or are the rest of the group irritated by him? Or is that the point of his ‘character’? I’m probably missing some modern cultural reference here. :thinking:

I concur with your thoughts on listening playlists et al getting polarised on certain genres/artistes. Like you appear to, I go through phases - perhaps influenced by the weather/phases of the Moon (who knows!).

Tambourine Guy (a.k.a. Tim Kubart) is a meme within the Post Modern Jukebox (PMJ) family on YouTube and other platforms. He (Tim) has also done live shows. He’s certainly introduced a new dimension in tambourine playing.

Fair to say from the comments, some love his energy, some not. Would be a boring world if we were all the same.


I don’t really even understand what memes are, vaguely do but don’t really get it! I should I suppose by now.

So is he considered a bit like a Mr Bean character being a bit over the top here?

My impression was the opposite - that her Zep album was very popular on the Forum, with only a couple of dissenters (me among them)…

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What is so different here is that this group is from Poland singing Bluegrass style music…


A Diva at her most sumptuous best…


Rai Thistlethwayte

Raw talent - Blues piano.

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So, Metallica, Megadeath, Blue Oyster Cult, Tornado Of Souls…and The Pointer Sisters present

The Megatallica Sisters - "Master of the Neutron Dance of Destruction“

Ella Fitzgerald - Sunshine Of Your Love

Goodness. File this alongside the awesome clip of Tom Jones and CSN&Y!


Big Big Train - Swan Hunter

R.I.P. David Longdon


Rhiannon Gibbons again - Last Kind Words


I had no idea ‘Boys of Summer’ was written by Mike Campbell from the Heartbreakers - a hit for Don Henry (sic)…

Does your username mean ‘Fish by running waters’ = Exeter…?

This song ‘Why Worry’ was composed by Mark Knopfler for Everly Brothers


Quite possibly. Isca Dumnoniorum was the name of the settlement around the Roman fortress in Exeter, established c.AD55. As for its derivation, Dumnoniorum references the Dumnonii tribe who lived in the area and whom the Romans attempted to subdue. I have seen references to Isca as ‘the River Exe being full of fish’, but I have no idea if that is correct. Isca is used occasionally as an alternative name for Exeter.