Bargain purchases that bring pleasure far beyond their cost

I am missing my trip to Pont l’évêque - just a few miles from my house in France. I might get back there one day.

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Got this for £25. I think I have spent more than this for a hand pulled job.
Looking at wine bottles with a cork was beginning to send me in a stressfull state. Especially those ones with the foil thick and stiff enough to dismember a fingertip.
The foil cutter included is of course rubbish, with the old waiters friend coming out the draw.
Although the ease of use with this device and minimising any contact with anything dangerous is simply breathtaking.


Sorry Kilometres

Few kilometers, so you live in the Calvados?

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I live in the UK but my French house is in Deauville.

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I remember now, when I posted some pics from this area when on holidays. We were in Cabourg and also Deauville, Trouville…

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How odd, I bought some Reblochon on the weekend, lovely stuff.

That poster reminds me of one over 30 years ago my French mistress (teacher) had behind the door in her classroom.


She was teaching french or you lived in France and she was french?

Teaching French in the UK in secondary school.

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Pidgins rats with wings :rofl::rofl:


But they actually taste very good, I prefer them to pheasant the meat is richer and better tasting. Quite easy to prepare, you just cut down the middle, pull apart the skin slice off the breasts and legs and leave the rest. Great with a Cotes du Rhone.


Where did you get it out of interest?

Could do with a new corkscrew, my old faithful with the pulll down arms oddly snapped in half. I have another that I got in a shop when we were on holiday and stuck without out but it’s very poor.

Got one of those expensive plunger ones many years ago but it soon broke.

The old Threshers waiter’s style corkscrew still works well but for some reason I’m concerned about chipping the glass rim of the bottle top - has never happened but something I think might due ot the design.

Also agree on those pesky foils - I’ve cut myself several times over the years.

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Something you’d remember surely?


My dog. He cost me $400 from the RSPCA and he’s given my family and I unconditional love and loyalty.


I was suitably intrigued though couldn’t quite bring myself to ask :joy:


How well does this wine extractor work with older, well-aged bottles. I find these corks can be very fragile at times, and I have to take special care with the cork when opening them.
I currently just use a good quality waiter’s friend style of cork screw, but maybe this would do the job better.

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Have you tried a ‘butlers thief’ style cork remover, they grip the sides of the cork during the pull.


No, I’ve never tried one of those before. I’ll have to look them up and see how they work exactly. You may be right they may work better with dodgy corks. Thanks for the suggestion.

The majority of my wine collection has only been laying for about 5 to 7 years, but I still have about five bottles that were special purchases and they’ll be pretty old by the time I open them. Of the really old ones I’ve done so far, there was only one of them that I had to fish bits of cork out of the decanter.

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The sparrow hawks love them …

Occasionally see where they have dined on pigeon in the garden , indeed I saw a sparrow hawk on the shed roof eating a dove the other day

OOH MATRON Screenshot 2019-12-28 at 19.02.51