BBC Radio unavailable

Probably too busy tearing their hair out.

But seriously, see the post earlier confirming that Naim are working on trying to sort the issue with Vtuner.

Also note Steve’s comments on another thread where he confirmed that naim are working on a contingency system to avoid such issues in the future.


I can’t get BBC radio stations in two locations, my lounge and my bedroom, which is very relevant to me if not anyone else. The cats though can get BBC radio stations on the Dab radio in their bedroom (it was the spare until they took possession) as can I in the kitchen. Currently pondering whether to get my Meridan 104 Tuner out of storage so I can listen to R4 on FM.


People can do that now, check out my post that mentions creating a playlist.

At last!

It’s back.

I think it is the supplier for internet radio or the BBC , resorting to Sky 0103 for Radio 3

BBC is back.

Have been trying to get BBC stations for last 2 days!! Can only get World Service!
This seems to happen from time to time. Everything else ok.

Tried BBC 6Music, 5 Live and R4, all back on this morning.
Come on Naim, this needs a proper fix!


It is back but too late for breakfast for the second day running!
Anyone else been asked by their wife why they can’t have a proper radio in the kitchen instead of the fancy Muso which is much more unreliable than the £50 one in her studio?

I’m begining to think there is a culture problem at Naim - too much time spent in a zen like state of contemplation listening to the sonic effects of batches of capacitors and not enough time spent making sure their products just work properly! It’s not just V-Tuner - stone age wifi and lack of useful information about track/artist on screens spring to mind.


You absolutely echo my thoughts. We went out yesterday and bought a Ruark R2 to replace the Qb in the kitchen for the same reason we just want a radio to work. Ive lost count of the number of times the Naim internet radio has failed. Luckily the SuperUniti i the lounge has a DAB/FM tuner.

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It is.
Explanation from Naim, please

Its down yet again. One of the world most expensive players, allegedly made in the UK, can’t receive the BBC streams!

My work round is to play via Logitech Media Server. The BBC plug in is working perfectly and when combined with the PNP plug in allows the Muso to be used as player of the PNP stream.

If you would like to try this LMS is now open source and maintained via this site:-

lyrion dot org

and this forum


The big advantage for me is that any browser on the network can be used as the player interface and any device can be used as the player. Music source can be almost any network as well as any storage device on the server itself. The home for the server can be any computer from a Raspberry Pi and upwards.

I would agree there seems to be a lot of inertia in Naim re non hardware type upgrades, I cant remember when the last firmware upgrade was for the streamers - it’s certainly a year anyway, and yes, the screen issue also comes to mind as something so glaringly obvious. Take Innuos for example, they’re constantly upgrading their firmware with tweeks and improvements.

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I was under the impression that with the latest generation streamers, it is done automatically, but I could be wrong about this.

@Hollow Years? Mine updates fairly regularly. Last one earlier this year I think. Perhaps you’ve missed some update(s)?

it seems to be back now on my QB

I’m pleased fof those affected that the outage is over.

Whilst obviously and understandably frustrating and annoying to not be able to receive BBC radio in the way that people are accustomed - and this in no way is intended to belittle that - in Britain BBC radio can be received from so many sources that it is likely a rare household where it would not be possible to listen to a favourite programme at its broadcast time, though with the music channels the difference in sound quality might be significant to ability to enjoy, depending on device used.

Purely to illustrate the sort of range of choice that can exist, I can listen to BBC radio on my bedroom clock radio (FM), or on a small portable radio that normally lives in the kitchen but could be used anywhere (choice of FM or DAB). Freeview TV in the sunroom also offers BBC radio stations, while both cars have radios (FM). I can also listen via iPad when in wifi range (via BBC Sounds), and smartphone even when out of internet range (provided the phone signal is strong enough).

Well if you’ve got a half decent aerial it’s going to sound a whole let better.

That’s not the point though is it. If the BBC are broadcasting and you buy a device to access that broadcast then you expect it to work. If you can still get the broadcast on an alternative device then the methodology of your device is at fault.