BBC Radio unavailable

Same for me on my uniti Nova in Essex. Tried last years fix of delete and re-add but no joy. Anyone got an explanation?

Out east in lovely Suffolk, BBC is fine on FM, DAB etc.

On iRadio, other internet stations ie Paradise , French stns are still working ok.

It seems its just BBC on internet radio on Naim that is down, which I presume means another dreaded vtuner server issue again? But, why just BBC?

Think Naim understand , but its a truly apppalling level of customer service.

Once is bad , twice is dreadful, how many times since last Christmas??

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This will no doubt shorten the time to update the firmware to a new radio agrigator. Good for all of us in the end hopefully.
Of course this may take time from the much wanted tidal highres work who knows?

Here in Perth (Scotland), BBC World Service Online is streaming but not R3 HD, R4 HD or R5 Live Soort Extra HD….:triumph:

Please can you find a fix soon - missing the World T20 cricket?!



Just use BBC Sounds and Airplay to your Atom. It’s an easy solution, though not ideal.

We are all different of course, but the Sounds app is my preferred way to listen to BBC radio. It’s much easier to access and browse programmes if you’re not listening live, and not all podcasts or ‘listen again’ programmes are available in the Naim app.

Mrs HH is something of an Archers addict, and she always uses BBC Sounds for catch up, rather than the Naim app. We use the buttons on the Qbs for live listening. When I got home today she was just using BBC Sounds because the Naim wouldn’t work. It’s becoming so regular that it’s not a surprise any more.


No Radio 4 with breakfast here. Unless I listen on my £200 Roberts Internet radio.

I’m getting fed up of this.


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Ok, another day, no BBC. I think it’s now reached “a lot crap”

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Curious why people give their UK locations… other than perhaps advertising where they live, it has not the blindest bit of relevance for internet based web radio availability … other than in some conceivable extreme situations at a national state level. It would be more useful and possibly relevant to state your ISP if anything, but this is not likely to be relevant here either.


In my case, it’s because I am a dedicated follower of fashion. Once started, location had to be stated. :crazy_face:

(And, yes, I did realise it was irrelevant). :slightly_smiling_face:

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Fair enough, I am all for ceremonies :grinning:
As long as no one actually thinks it is in some way relevant.

No internet radio at all for me either

Just checked. I can get Canadian bluegrass. Not the same as Justin Webb on The Today Programme at breakfast …

You could encourage Naim to integrate a backup radio directory such as RadioFeeds UK & Ireland.
I’ve been trying to push this for a while.
It’s proven to be of value with the Brennan line of products whenever vTuner stops working.

It’s easy enough to get the BBC Sounds app and Bluetooth it to the streamer. Not great SQ, but OK for R4 “Today” and the like, I guess. Apart from that silly thing that comes on at about 07:50 (UK time) for which there’s always the mute button.

I’m in Spain, BTW.

Hi yesterday it stopped working for BBC stations on My QB and my Quad Vena II

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Hello My BBC Radio doesn’t work anymore. I read BBC had stopped Internet Radio and Naim MuSo 2 doesn’t stream digital. I worked out I can run BBC Sounds on my phone and then stream jnto Naim. But annoyed Naim itself nolonger will stream BBC :roll_eyes:

No BBC Radio 2 here either, yesterday and today. Other Stations fine, Virgin, Gold, Greatest Hits. ALSO, Radio 2 On Demand, ie old Broadcasts works ok, so I’m baffled :frowning:

Yes still down this morning.
Seeing that this outage appears to affect all Naim BBC listeners and is outside our control, I am a little surprised that no one from Naim had seen fit to post a comment or explanation. In particular how long the outage is expected to continue.

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