BBC Radio unavailable

Yes, I use LMS as my main controller, and appreciate your confirmation about the chromecast bridge. Thanks.

Sure - but that is all provided by online station provider - including the icon - via its ‘server’ or CDN. The meta data for the content is provided in the stream such as HLS - and there are different approaches that a player would decode depending on how the originator has assigned it.
A saved book mark would keep the station icon with it - and the meta displayed in real time.
It really is not difficult - these are web protocols designed to be easy to use.

So use station search engine to provide the info for your player - and then copy the key stations into a favourites folder and play natively without using any third party for the stations you have selected. Use the third party for when you want to search or discover new stations if you wish, or your favourite has changed its format or address - which may happen occasionally.

As I mentioned earlier, B&O now have there own Radio Service (B&O Radio) having recently dropped Tunein, surely this is something Naim could do? A bit of work I’m sure but worth it in the long run I would have thought.

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I think at least one idea is as per my suggestion above. Of course there might be lack of programme code space in the streamer (speculation) so Naim need to offload to a cloud proxy - the so called ‘aggregator’. I hope that is not the case - and it kind of feels unlikely.

true but I suspect an idiot proof simple system would be preferable when you take in to account the likes of Musos which need to be plug n play for non tech users, vtuner actually works well if it was only more reliable

no ‘technology’ know how required what so ever, it would be as complicated as using ‘favourites or Bookmarks’ on your web browser. Use a station search engine provider to create your favourite stations that are stored on the streamer (as you do now, probably without realising it). Play those favourite directly from the streamer. You don’t need the station search provider at that point. I believe Naim still uses the search engine provider (VTuner I believe ) for favourite playback currently.

The current approach makes it appear more ‘technical’ than it is and over complicated in terms of reliability. I always say KIS… end of really… the alternative is frustration and yet more complexity… I see this so often in my professional world too.

Naim should make it simple and robust. The current approach is not always simple and clearly not robust. Remember these are web protocols media web sites and are designed to be simple and easy… jus like web browsing… it’s the same principles that social media networks use - and I believe a majority of the world now use those at some point! How many people who use Facebook with ‘friends’ understand how it works - a miniscle percentage I suspect.
It’s about the implementation… not ‘technology’ the fact that even gets mentioned suggests the implementation is not right.

I think the vast majority are ‘non tech’, or at least want a ‘non tech’ solution.
The Naim iRadio/Internet re installed feature is ideal, it provides select & search at the touch of a finger, just like terrestrial radio has been for years, and just like DAB & TV is today.
Naim must find a way to resolve this, end of.

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yeah - but it is NOT radio - and that analogy could be part of the problem. These are serial programmed streaming web sites - they should be better treated as web content - many now understand how to use the web and don’t think anything of it - we have distorted and contorted something to look like something it isn’t and add unnecessary dependency and complication. I feel that is part of issue and breeds dependencies on sticking plasters.
This is not unique to Naim at all - but Naim could lead here amongst the hifi manufacturers - perhaps we might see a hint of this on the remediation that is coming our way that was mentioned.

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The vtuner web page is returning a 500 internal server error for all stations I’ve tried today.

That might be so @castalla, my point is if (big IF) it worked correctly, as intended, it is an ideal medium for providing a ‘radio like’ service for the non tech users (the majority of Naim users I expect) and especially those buying and expecting work out of the box ‘lifestyle’ products.

Agreed. But is vtuner working on the hardware today?

Given our experience with the ‘new’ website, that’s probably a very courageous approach :joy:.


Come on, somebody… Is vtuner working?

Bbc on vtuner is working on my Auralic decices.

Thanks for the confirmation.

Me again. The Atom is steaming BBC radio in HD, but not the Muso Qb!
I put location info in previously just to shake-up Naim as to their UK (loyal?) client base. Many thanks to those who shared options (albeit @ lower sound quality) - I have DAB for that(!),

I would prefer to have the 320 kbps HD stream across all devices that I have enjoyed for 7+ years courtesy of Naim. :crossed_fingers:t2:

Just to add, iRadio on the Mu-so Qb plays Linn Classic OK, but not the BBC HD presets (R3, R4, R5LSX etc). Turned Mu-So Qb off for 60 seconds twice at ghd plug to reset but to no avail (didn’t have to do that for the Atom) - what gives?:thinking:

I would delete the presets, find the stations and add them back to the presets.

For what it’s worth my NDX2 is streaming BBC Radio4 HD no issue at all.

Thank you PW42 - you were spot on!:clap:t2:

The only question is why did I need to do this, given the Atom needed no such resets?

Cheers :beers: