BBC Radio unavailable

Pass! But it was the fix for a previous issue.

RTE stations in Ireland have gone awol!

Here in Italy all BBC channels work normally on my NSS 333

Might I suggest, instead if the incessant bellyaching, folks contact vTuner directly and complain. If enough of them do so, it would be the equivalent of a DDoS attack on their e-mail. Might not accomplish much but it would be sweet revenge!!!


You don’t know if it is indeed some sort of cyber attack that has caused these issues in the first place.

We know vTuner never respond to emails from end users and of course none of us are actually vTuner customers. But if lots of Naim customers complain about an outage, they might miss emails from actual Naim employees like @Stevesky, so this could make things worse for us.

I think we should leave it to Naim. They are well aware of what we all think without making it harder for them to deal with their supplier.


Honestly unless you are harder hit tthan I am and I have only internet devices, but I can easily count the less than 10 problems over time. The time is by the way since 2012, or maybe it was actually 2011. but 7 or 8 is in the last 6 months.

Yes, but the last 6 months have been unacceptable by anyone’s standards.


Down in Toronto AGAIN right now.

Cannot stream any BBC channels on NDX or Uniti , other radio channels Ok.
Working fine yesterday, can’t find any info on BBC or Naim.

All the info that’s available is in this thread.
For some reason, vTuner, the Naim iRadio service provider, has lost BBC.

Around the time BBC channels returned, Radio Paradise stopped playing. Not sure if connected or a coincidence.

Coincidence I think, when I checked BBC’s back on line, I also flicked thru RP Main & Mellow mix, plus Naim Linn & Classic, they were all OK at that time.

But bugger iRadio & vTuner, Sky Arts have Eagles at the Forum, CA

A post was merged into an existing topic: BBC Radio Stations “Stopped”