BBQ Season again

What fantastic weather we’ve had for the past week or more.

Just wondering about everyone else but we’ve started late this year - I’d normally have used one by late Feb/early March but this year it was the first week of May. Neighbours seem the same.

I’ve also not used a charcoal BBQ yet and have stuck with the Weber Q3200 gas BBQ after cleaning it a few weeks ago - tough beast as it’s been uncovered and unused for about 2 years and works very well - sadly it’s on the local sparrow flightpath and often gets pooped on :joy:


Gas barbecues are a crime against God, nature and humanity. In a minute, I’ll get off the fence and tell you what I really think.

I was tempted to spark up this week, but with only three of us at home at the moment, it seems a waste. With daughter 2 about to leave for university, I need some ideas for barbecuing for fewer people.


First recommendation; get yourself a small gas one😉


Yep, first of the season yesterday.

And say it quietly………it was a g*s BBQ!


I’d rather kebab my eyeballs and genitalia. Over burning charcoal, of course.

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We used ours for the first time this year last weekend, as we had guests for the weekend.
Now I realise that I need gas, as last years bottle is on its last gasp🤦🏻‍♂️

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Same as before, but now it lasts for two days!


I suppose that could be arranged :laughing: :laughing:

Really? What did you have in mind?

‘Crime against God’ - I wouldn’t go that far :rofl:

They work, keep the smells outside (compared to indoor grilling) and are far simpler to use than many charcoal BBQs.

Honestly I’ve never been a big fan of non-charcoal BBQs but convenience of patio gas and maybe it’s my failure from 40+years at becoming skilled with charcoal BBQs has suddenly made me just go for the simple option.

Hopefully your wise rhetoric will convince me that I am a lowly sinner and I intend to repent at the earliest opportunity - well not before I eat my minted lamb anyway :wink:

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And I thought I was the only failure here……

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I’ve got five gas bottles - 3 x 10kg Gaslight ones and 2 x 13kg metal ones. The 13kg is cheaper per kg but with various aches and pains in my joints I’ll go for the lighter Gaslight ones.

Trying to figure out how easy it would be to get a huge 47kg cylinder and convert for BBQ usage.

What anyone else does in the privacy of their own garden is a matter between them, their God and conscience. I know where I stand; I can do no other, as Martin Luther once said.

Mind you, a South African of my acquaintance doesn’t accept charcoal either - for him, a ‘braai’ is wood or it’s nothing. I won’t relate what he said about gas barbecues - it made my opinions look mild and mealy-mouthed.



Ac, Ebor certainly has the scriptures at his side since Isaac did not use a gas bbq!

We’ve had 3 bbq’s this year. Still have difficulty getting good veg stuff.


I’ts got too fiddly - I’m fine with a simple charcoal grill - hot as f*** and just sear things.

These new fangled ( :man_facepalming: - yes I know) Kamados require practice and patience - ok the Aldi one was cheap but it kept going out so many times mid way through last year I gave up. Should’ve got a Kamado Joe or BGE but my inexperience may have resulted in the same outcome.


Are you not tempted by the gas flames from hell?

Oh well, more lamb for me :wink:

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'tis Satan’s work I tell ye!

How did this get moved to the Music Room?

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Everything above the metal grille looks great. It’s underneath where Satan and all his foul machinery lurks.

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