Best jokes

I like a lager but like you I hate mass market stuff it’s like drinking soapy water. The Fosters I remember in the 80s wasn’t worth drinking. It obviously lives on in name only.

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You’re lucky.

Wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole.


Nah, it’s still like soapy water!

@Pete_the_painter - Is Castlemaine XXXX still going? It used to be hugely popular here, and was well known for its TV ads, but one never sees it any more…

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Surpassed for 'orribleness in the '80s easily by Hofmeister, and as for that bloody dancing bear, :man_shrugging:,not one of Scottish and Newcastle’s finer moments. :face_vomiting:


Castlemaine XXXX was almost as bad.

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VB was the best Australian lager but you can’t get it in the UK anymore (not that I can find anyway).

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VB and Little Creatures bottle conditioned :+1:

Have you heard the one about the Jokes thread,that turned out to be ,the beer I don’t like thread ! :grinning:


Fosters is the joke!

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Peppa Pig jigsaw for sale, £3 ONO…


Then there was this one…

Some bright ‘spark’ sent me this.

Pete’s been stuck at home for 3 weeks now, wrapped in Electricians Tape.
He’s Self Insulating.

Of course, it should be stuck at ‘Ohm’.




Back in the 80’s In London we would only buy the ‘welded’ cans.

XXXX is still around although it’s mainly a Queensland beer, beers use to be quite territorial round these parts. But now the brewery’s are either owned by another brewery or have disappeared altogether. Most Aussies are now drinking craft beers, these days. Out of all the mass produced beers Coopers is the best by a long way (imo). VB is still around (VB, means very bad) but I again is quickly falling out of favour.

Having been to the UK a few times it surprises me that Fosters is so popular especially as you guys have so many great beers to choose from.


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Lockdown in France extended for another month.

Or 1.2 weeks if you remove the usual May Bank Holidays.


Picking up on the “bad beer” theme:
Q. What does a can of Budweiser have in common with a couple making love in a boat?
A. F__kin’ close to water.