Best jokes

…or not, it seems :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Refers to Peder’s now hidden offensive post

Could this thread get any lower. I doubt it.
Is this what the forum has come to.
Very sad indeed.
Perhaps Linn had the right idea when it comes to forums.

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Indeed. Flagged.


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Peder has form in off colour postings here. Do we want him in this forum?

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I’d leave that decision to Richard, but personally I’d like at least an ignore option so I didn’t have to see such posts. I’m sure some would like to ignore me though I hope I’ve never been offensive. He also appears to have an anti-Linn agenda, but perhaps that is because English is not his first language.

Theres an ignore user option in your profile settings if you feel so inclined.
This is however, a joke thread, what some may find funny others may find distasteful. Such is the nature of jokes.


Thanks Ray
I didn’t know that - very useful.
Problem is anybody can read this forum and obscene posts, especially graphic ones, do Naim no favours.

Still I’ll use the ignore function and leave it at that.

I’ve removed a few posts that some have found offensive. Just a reminder that if any post offends any member here then you can alert me by using the flag function. Thanks.


You have, one of which was mine. :joy:
It had received a couple of likes before removal, hence my previous point.
I don’t think anyone here deliberately sets out to offend but sensitivities differ. :+1:


It’s a bit amusing that a few jokes are removed here but what I’d consider racist rants on the Brexit or Bust thread seem to go on unchallenged :thinking:


I think the ignore function just means you don’t get email alerts if that person replies to you or posts in a thread you started. It doesn’t stop you seeing their postings.



David, I have used it twice and it does stop you seeing posts.
The only disadvantage that I can see it is time based. You have to select a duration to hide the user, if memory serves me right, the longest is 4 months. I would prefer a permanent / for ever option. :+1:


Thanks. I haven’t used it myself yet…



A guy goes to visit his gran. While they’re chatting, he idly snacks on the peanuts in a bowl on her coffee table.
“Sorry grandma,” he says as he gets up to leave. “I seem to have eaten all your peanuts.”
"That’s OK, she says. “Since I lost my dentures, I can only suck the chocolate off them anyway.”



I found how to block notifications, but not how to stop posts from a specific user showing. Please could you post where I can find this option as I’d very much like to use it.

Thanks Tiberio

I was assistant to Princess Anne for a while, but I soon realised that, no matter how good I was, they were never going to make me Princess Anne.


A leopard kept trying to escape from a zoo, but it was no good - he was always spotted …


An English teacher spots a boy staring out of the classroom window and shouts “you, boy, give me two pronouns”. The boy looks round and says, “who? me?”


A group of chess enthusiasts are standing in a hotel lobby discussing their tournaments wins. After about an hour, the hotel manager comes by and tells them all to go to their rooms. “But, why?” they ask as they move off. “Because”, he says, “I can’t stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer”.


I haven’t spoken to my wife for 18 months - I don’t like to interrupt her.