Best jokes

Yeah but on the other side there’s,

“A woman’s place is in the House……and in the Senate!”


And should have been in the Oval Office ?



Also unlike a lot that gets posted and reposted here, it’s new (to this thread anyway).

I set out why I felt it was inappropriate and asked why it shouldn’t be flagged.

If you don’t want that joke to be flagged, help me understand why it should remain by answering that question.


Why should you be able to decide to censor what a lot more people than you have “liked”? Just don’t come to this thread again and then you won’t be offended for sure.


Because that’s the forum rule. If you don’t want a joke to be flagged, set out why it should remain.

There are plenty of online forums where you can post jokes like this one.

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I was making a general comment about woke culture and the potential adverse effect it might have on this thread, not about that joke per se, although it is your desire to censor this thread which prompted me to make the comment. I would also echo what David says above.


I think you are in a minority here mate. But whatever, it’s only a joke.


Definition of a joke, courtesy of Wikipedia.
A joke is a display of humour in which words are used within a specific and well-defined narrative structure to make people laugh and is usually not meant to be taken seriously.


I don’t mind being in a minority, if that is indeed the case.

It’s not that big a deal. I just asked why the joke should remain before I flagged it for censorship. If you don’t want the world to be woke (whatever that means!) by all means set out why it should stay.

Good grief, it’s a joke! No more actually against women than others are against men. I think this thread was supposed to be about light hearted humour, gender nonspecific other than mere references to one gender or another, or about machinery, or animals, or any other breathing or non breathing species or existence, is everything in life to be super analysed?


How about telling a joke that you deem to be appropriate @anon39880737 then we can all be suitably educated as to what is a politically correct and wholesome example of humour, I am sure we would all appreciate the education.


Analysing humour. The least funny thing on earth.

I was in a restaurant in Dolceacqua (in Italy near the French border) a while ago. At the table next to us was a quite elderly British couple.
Reading the menu, he said to her:
“Oh, zucchini. That’s what the Americans call ‘courgette’”

The (slightly camp) waiter was right behind them and said - loud enough for others to hear -:

“No-a! Zucchini’ is what the Italians-a call…‘courgette’!”


I asked to be educated on why the joke you posted is ok for this forum. You’ve got the opportunity to defend your position, why not take it?

Here’s an old favourite of mine, cracks me up every time I think of it:


What?? Possibly not in the slightest funny, and as a male I might take offence to the reference ‘him’ define why that should be left in the thread please!!

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znai. I get the fact that it is sexist. Is that what upsets you so much? Why does anyone have to defend their reasons for lauging or finding something funny to a total stranger. Clearly the joke is at the expense of the golf pro who presumably is a man for being stupid for not fully understanding what the lady said to him and coming up with an unhelpful piece of advice. Get over it.

I hope that I have not marginalised any transgender, gender fluid, lesbian, bi golfers who may have been the golf pro. I only assumed that the golf pro was male but I could be wrong of course and if I am I humbly apologise.


The joke I posted made me and several others on the forum laugh, surely that is reason enough. Meanwhile it did not prompt me to abuse or think any less of my beautiful partner in any way, she also laughed at the joke and cannot understand what all the fuss is about. “Its just a joke” was her response.
While your post is an amusing story it could be construed as taking the micky out of the poor unfortunate guy in the dryer with the implication being men are stupid.
Either way I enjoyed the story.


Why do golfers have two pairs of pants?

In case they get a hole in one.



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