Best jokes

Without taking a position on the ‘joke’ in question, your insistence on asking others to ‘defend their position’ is somewhat reminiscent of the ‘when did you stop beating your wife’ situation.
Assuming free speech is something to be valued, some tolerance of humour that might not work for you is surely preferable to a right to veto?


No, I found it sexist, and want it taking down!

This is absolutely ridiculous, I think this is just someone stirring up trouble for the sake of it, of course, the offended one could start their own jokes thread and leave the rest of the human race to enjoy this one, what is wrong with the human race these days!


Oops, I’m also useless at golf, edited my post, thank you :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Me too, but then I don’t even have any bat’s!

It’s the spotty balls that really put me off.


I haven’t spoken to my mother-in-law for eighteen months – I don’t like to interrupt her


Crikey folks, calm down. I only asked why that joke should remain, rather than simply flagging it.

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No reason to ask that at all really, no worse than any joke in the world ever, please leave the rest of us to enjoy each others feeble attempts at humour!

I’m only asking because on this thread, per @Richard.Dane, if a user flags a post it will likely be removed.

So before flagging it I thought I’d ask why it should remain.

It’s not that complicated or controversial really.

That’s as maybe, but you are making it so………


Why should it not remain? You are just wasting good people’s time!

I opened this thread to provide a bit of light relief. If you want to discuss differences of opinion about what is or isn’t acceptable please open a suitable thread and let people discuss it there. That is NOT the purpose of this thread.


What’s the difference between a light bulb and a pregnant woman?

You can un-screw a light bulb.


I suggest starting a thread called something like ‘let’s discuss what makes a joke non sexist, non relevant, non offensive, something your Victorian grandmother would like’ then you can discuss it with yourself, good idea no?

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Two golfers are ready to play on the 11th tee as a funeral cortege passes by. The first player stops, doffs his cap, and bows his head as the cortege passes.
“That was a really nice thing to do,” the second golfer says. “It’s good to see there is still some respect in the world.”
“Well, it’s only right,” the first golfer replies. “I was married to her for 35 years.”


A young man with a few hours to spare one afternoon figures that if he hurries and plays very fast, he can get in nine holes before he has to head home. As he is about to tee off, an old gentleman shuffles onto the tee and asks if he can join him. Although worried this will slow him up, the younger man says, “Of course.” To his surprise, the old man plays quickly. He doesn’t hit the ball very far, but it goes straight. Furthermore, the old man moves along without wasting any time.
When they reach the 9th fairway, the young man is facing a tough shot. A large pine tree sits in front of his ball, directly between it and the green. After several minutes of pondering how to hit the shot, the old man says, “You know, when I was your age, I’d hit the ball right over that tree.” With the challenge before him, the young man swings hard, hits the ball, watches it fly into the branches, rattle around, and land with a thud a foot from where it had started.
“Of course,” says the old man, “when I was your age, that tree was only three feet tall.”


I’m sorry your mother in law is dead a man says to his friend…how did it happen?

Well it was very unfortunate…she tried to stand up but got dizzy and caught the curtains and ripped them.

oh, thats how she died

no, from the thrust she hit the 65’ inch tv and fell on the crystal table.

so, thats how she died

no, fragments hit her and fell on the balcony doors, smashing them and destroying the balcony furniture

well then she died

no. i shot the bitch. she destroyed my whole house.

With thanks to whoever thought this one up. Isn’t it great just to be sharing jokes again?



How about some self-deprecating humour?

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Just to put one distaff side view of that joke.

Yes it is offensive.
How offensive? Mildly offensive.
In itself that isn’t a problem, the problem is that if this type of humour is brought back to a point of being widely considered acceptable as a routine thing, this is likely to lead some people to also consider a pervasive attitude of generalised misogyny is also perfectly acceptable, and pervasive generalised misogyny is not acceptable.

I haven’t flagged it as many of the other misogynistic jokes have been removed; so whilst the trend remains in balance I tolerate it without issue. (In my view, the sequence was originally out of balance but that is no longer the case.) Should the balance be pushed too far I will start to flag things.

So this isn’t a complaint, rather it’s an appeal:

For those not subject to frequent ‘micro aggressions’ it can be hard to understand how minor insulting things like ‘a little joke’ or “oh! she’s just a woman”, or “you wouldn’t understand - it’s technical” can build up when they are repeated over and over in different contexts so many times every day. This then gets compounded when it gets extended to things such as a man blocking a woman’s path insisting that she should talk to him, and thinking that’s acceptable behaviour because he didn’t use physical violence. Most men simply do not understand how frightening this experience is, nor how frequently this and similar things occur.

I know that men reading this won’t be able to truly ‘feel’ how this is as you’ll never experience it, nor do men have to go to great lengths to avoid potential ‘situations’ occurring simply as a matter of course in day to day living, but please give some thought to an intellectual understanding of how it feels to us.