Best jokes

Bloody spell checker. Yes definitely Salzburg did about thirty factory visits over the years a beautiful place.

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As is Salisbury, Wiltshire.

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Clive , very true.

I used to love it as a kid, and it was a real treat as we were allowed it only once a year, on the way back from holiday.

I tried it again a few years back after working late on an industrial estate with nothing else close by. I didn’t like it as an adult.

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And we used to have to lick t’road clean an all

Aye, well, we 'ad it 'ard

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A woman who suspected her husband of cheating concocted a clever plan to confirm whether her suspicions were true.

One day, the husband called his wife and let her know his boss had invited him on a fishing trip in Canada with some friends. The man told his wife he thought he should go, as it would be a great move for his career. When his wife agreed to let him go, he asked her to pack a bag for him, as he and his boss would be leaving for the trip directly from the office. He asked her to pack his new blue silk pyjamas, specifically. The wife knew something was odd about the trip from her husband’s request, but she packed everything he asked for and had it ready for him to come pick up on his way to Canada.

The husband returned home after a week and his wife asked if he had a good time and if he caught any fish.

“You bet we did! We caught pike and walleye – tons of fish!” he told his wife. “We spent all day out on the lake and had fish every night for dinner. It was fantastic.”

The husband then mentioned his wife forgot one little thing.

“You forgot to pack my pyjamas, like I asked,” he said.

“No, I didn’t,” his wife replied. “I put them in your fishing box.”


You were lucky. We lived for three months in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o’clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down mill for fourteen hours a day week in-week out.

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From Private Eye


So I take it McDonald’s in Italy is bad, too?
I want to try the ‘Royal with Cheese’ in France for once! :laughing:


I can’t speak for the whole of Italy - we’re sixty millions after all, top and bottom towns are almost one thousand miles apart - but the one a few blocks from here is sad and ridiculous food-wise. As are all the others I’ve tried.
I can’t understand for the sake of sensibility how people can choose to eat there.

Especially given the wonderful food that is available in just about any restaurant in the area.


I didn’t say it.

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Probably nicked from Private Eye.



We lived in a cardboard box in the middle of the road. Father would get us up 3 hours before we went to bed …


An’ if thah told the kids today, they wouldn’t believe thee … … … Nay, they wouldn’t, raht enough, sithee.