Best jokes

That’s “Royal Sussex” to you, sport!


Give up. Someone’s being very delicate.



Posted a joke, not the greatest ever but made me and a dozen others in the office laugh. Got pulled.
Don’t know why someone found it offensive but adjusted it to cater for what I assumed they didn’t like. Got pulled again.
I can describe it if you like? :wink:

My colleague was unable to attend the Innuendo conference so I filled her slot.


‘‘Twas the “f” word. Gets removed immediately.

Hmmm, I didn’t see either of them. Normally a flagged post remains in place for a while, but is “suppressed” ie you can read it if you click “Reveal” (or some similar text). This normally gives you time to modify it and hope the problem is resolved.

As you say, probably best to give up. Trying to describe a joke is, well, a bit of a joke :sunglasses:

Ah, apologies, I thought that was acceptable in these days of the roaring twenties…!

Ah ! you might be able to circumnavigate (nearly got the wrong word there) the censor now that all has been revealed !

I could but now the sense of anticipation over what was a bang average joke really, means it could never live up to the hype :grinning:

It’s forum policy, do no way to “dodge” it when it’s part of an image. The image is just removed.

A woman is on trial for beating her husband to death with his guitar collection:

Judge says, “First offender”?

She says, “No, first a Gibson! Then a Fender”!


Sinead O’Connor has been reported missing in the usa.

So far it’s been 7 hours and 15 days…


A husband says to his wife, “Just take a look at the size of the poo I have just done in the bathroom”

“No thanks” she replied

“Go on, you wont believe it” he said

She took a deep breath, held her nose, ran in then back out.

“There’s nothing there” she said, “you’ve flushed it”

“Didn’t you look on the scales?”


In bed he fumbled around for ages, unable to find what he was looking for.
He was known for his 404-play.


The Planes Indians practised polygamy, and one chief had three squaws.

The first squaw lived in a teepee of elk hide, the second in a teepee
made of buffalo hide, and the youngest in a teepee of hippopotamus hide.

Then he slept with each wife on the eve of his great hunting trip.

He was gone nine full moons and when he returned, he went into the elk hide
teepee and found that his wife had borne him a son.

Likewise, in the buffalo hide teepee, that squaw, too, had borne him a son.

So, imagine his surprise when he found twin baby boys in the hippopotamus hide teepee.

This just proves that …

The squaw of the hippopotamus is equal to the sum of the squaws of the other two hides.


A lorry load of viagra was stolen from a motorway service station earlier today.

Police are looking for hardened criminals.


What does D.N.A. stand for ?

National Dyslexia Association.