Birding Time, Your local and international patch…

Always raises a titter on this side of the pond where they are called chickadees. Don’t get blue ones, except if naked in winter.

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You also have ‘tid-bits’…

Love the black/dark background TRL
That together with sun light really shows off the bird nicely.

Whats your camara & lens?

Thanks Mike

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Collared Dove hit the window this morning. Window didn’t kill it, but the sparrow hawk that was chasing it did.



…covered by a leaf, a beaver avoids the need to greet the egret.




Getting regular flocks of long tailed tits in the garden now. Really dapper little birds.


Not very clever though.

When I had a feeder near the window, they would fly onto the window ledge and peck their reflection in the glass. :grin:

Yes, we’ve had a couple of regulars this year and Greenfinches too. Either good news because there are more of them or bad that they feel the need to visit our garden for an easy meal.

I’ve had a flock of long tailed tits, together with several blue tits, all flying together from tree to tree in my garden.

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Maybe they’re like cats and just letting you know they don’t like what’s in the bowl.

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They do like the food.


I don’t think my photography was appreciated given the look I’m getting.


Lovely pic

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Nice looking male. Only get Greens once or twice a year unfortunately.

He’s a recent appearance. Pitched up for the first time a couple of weeks ago and then a couple of times this week. We do have a pair of Great Spotted woodpeckers who are regulars.

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Well one small advantage from Storm Babet is the sudden appearance of seven Brambling at my garden feeders.
I guess the storm has ‘assisted’ their passage over from Northern Europe.
Happy to see them as not a usual visitor to my garden :slightly_smiling_face:

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A Swallow at Nairn harbour this morning, despite yesterday’s battering from Babet. Also saw Crested Tit at Findhorn later in the day but not close enough to photograph.

And the resident Redshanks, having a huddle.




Very surprised the swallow is still here… getting right to very end of their time range for the UK. Just wondering if the warm weather a couple of weeks ago has delayed its departure?
All of ours left at least two/ 3 weeks ago now