Birding Time, Your local and international patch…

Standard behaviour for this Kingfisher. She’s keeping herself well hidden for the most part but she has her favourite fishing spots, albeit still deep in the undergrowth.

When I managed to spot her first time yesterday, I thought she’d hurt herself as she was sitting at a funny angle and looked like she’d hurt her beak. She was too far away and well hidden to focus properly but when I zoomed in on my blurry pics I realised she was just trying to swallow a fish which was not much smaller than her!

Clearly she then just needed to sit and digest it for a while.

Before looking for more…


A happy little blue tut this morning, just after sunrise


Singing its little heart out this morning, deep in the hedgerow


Out for a walk at Abberton reservoir, wife took this pic with her phone, not the best. Looks like a Redhank.


I notice everyone’s pairing up now, lots of squabbling going on too…


Did they manage to catch anything? Beautiful background.

High tech bird tracking?


Guillemots in February? Yep. Not great picture, but hey!!


Why did they all turn their back on you ? Did you upset them ?
Smashin’ photo anyway !

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No photos I’m afraid but an amazing place. Two brief visits, yesterday and today.

Serious numbers of wildfowl, Lapwing etc, at least 15 Egret.
Fantastic close up views of Peregrine and today a pair of Marsh Harriers. The male was stunning. Will be back.

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Looks a great place…. Hoping to get to WWT Caerlaverock before the end of the swan and geese season… another place good for a winter birding spectacle

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We both

…scared each other.


I’m a total beginner at this stuff, guys. My lens, Canon 75-300 (460 on APS-C), just isn’t powerful enough to pull in a lot of birds out in the wild. This is a shot I managed to grab on a very recent trip to Spain (wet-lands south of Valencia).

My quiz question for you is… What is the type of bird (I think I know :laughing:) and more importantly, what is it doing in Spain ? :laughing:


Little Egret, the givaway is the yellow feet
Native to Southern Europe, Africa, M.East and now have established in UK/Ire…
They used to be a seasonal visitor to UK be have bred in UK since mid 1990’s and have now colonised much of southern UK & Irelend.

NB not to be confuzed with Snowy Egret, also same/similar size and yellow feet but a resident of the Americas. They have been seen as a vagrant in Europe.

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Mike, I was thinking it was a Snowy because of the feet. Do Little Egret’s have yellow feet ?

0.006 seconds on google suggests yes.

Some photos show it. Some don’t…

Little Egret. So says the net…


Took less than 0.000006 seconds.

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The other indicator is the bill & lore
Little Egret is predominatly grey whereas the Snowy is more distinctly coloured, yellow lore and eye, even in the non-breeding season.


Thanks Mike. It has every right to be in Spain then :rofl:

On the net picture above (my post 1446) the bird doesn’t have yellow feet, but the bill looks like a Little Egret. This game ain’t easy !

In that pic, you can’t really see its feet.