Blue Jeans Ethernet cables

That’s not accurate. The tests are useful and meaningful for measuring industry specifications. And none of the “tests” done here have impugned or supported these measurements.

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I bash it in forums threads, not in the industry and companies that are building the stuff. But I never buy a component in audio for its specs.
It tells nothing and will not indicate me how it will sound in my system.

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For industry and companies who build and test. But not for the listener.

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Again, wrong. None of the tests here have determined that.

Wrong for you, accurate for me. I have upgraded my system since many years, with the help of reviews , forums, dealer demos…and had made many many changes. I have never looked at the specs.
The only error I made is to buy a nap 300 dr. It had never made me satisfied, even with a lot of set up and room tweaks. The 250 dr worked better for me on my system and speakers/ room interaction.
Could I have predicted it with some specs and measurements? I don’t think so.

Nope, wrong for you too. None of the tests here have scratched the surface of the influence of industry specs on the sound you hear when you plug that cable in. You can’t demonstrate scientifically why you prefer a particular cable over another therefore you can’t say the industry specs have a positive or negative influence on your preference. There can be any numerous physical characteristics that influence your preference but you don’t know what they are. So you can’t say one way or another if the industry specs are useful or not.

That is just not true. Specs give you a very good idea of how it will sound - they provide a good starting point. I assume that you would not listen to something that quoted 100Hz-12KHz ± 8 dB?

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It’s what I said since the beginning…

You last comments did not say that. But I’m glad you agree.

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Blimey, I’m exhausted!

Well at least we can put that one to bed….not!


Or close the thread. Would be more relaxing probably to close it.

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Why do people always come out with “close the thread” when they don’t like it? It is easy to not click and look!


As an EE and former data com engineer, of course it will reliably transmit the data. The protocol ensures it. Do you think the internet would work if you even lost one bit? Of course not. You will either get the data accurately, or you will get an error and drop the connection. If there’s noise on the cable, and the packet is corrupted, it will be rejected, and a new one will be received. This can occur many times until it is correct.

As far as noise getting from the cable into the streamer, that’s another topic. I’m sure anyone designing a streamer is going to take precautions against noise from getting in their system. How much noise getting in is audible is a question. I doubt any of it is audible unless it’s really bad.

Just get a decent quality cable and be done with it. :wink:


Measurements are very relevant to Ethernet. The standards are set so that a cable will carry data reliably. It is in effect a quality mark: Cat 5e etc. I like to use reliable cables so Fluke tested ones ensure I get what I pay for. Yes other cables may work, but I prefer one that’s been tested.

I do not know a similar standard for analogue cables. I use the ones the manufacturer recommends; if none are recommended then Canare is my go to wire. Though UK made Doncaster Cables also look superb to me.

That was precisely the point I was making!

My statement meant that for the data transmission angle the standards are perfectly adequate and all you need is a cable that meets the standards. But I also recognise that it is possible that when connected through to a DAC there might be other influences at work not covered by the data transmission standards, whether that is RF causing modulation, or something else. i do not know if that does indeed happen, but I cannot rule it out - and it could explain the audible differences sone people report with cables that DO meet the data transmission standards. And that you recognise in your post, so we are saying the same thing.

As for streamers designed to minimise unwanted effects - I assume so, but at the same time the effectiveness is very likely to vary between models. Even with Chord Dave, with, I understand, designed with a fundamental focus on preventing ground plane modulation to the best that could be achieved, the designer himself has noted that under some conditions it can still be affected, so certain other things can be done to minimise further.

When it becomes too aggressive then it seems good to close it. I leave such decision to our excellent moderator. I don’t think this one has reached that stage yet, but you have two distinct views: those that are willing to accept entirely subjective assessment and those who prefer evidence (measurements) coupled with their own listening tests.

Personally, I don’t recall ever buying equipment based on subjective reviews or commentary on fora.

:small_blue_diamond:I don’t understand how this “tech-spec”-gang is reasoning.
Measurement-values and Fluke-test :thinking::thinking::thinking:.

We are on a Hifi-forum for God sake :wink:,.then the best cable in soundquality,should be the only value-meter

• Transparent.
• Chord Music.
• Audioquest Diamond.
• Vertere.
• Oyaide.
• Kimber.
• Nordost.
• Wireworld.
• Purist Audio Design.
• TimePortal.
• Entreq.
• Blue Jeans Cable.

The cable that sounds best,.Not measure best,.will be installed between my Switch and Streamer.
Again,.I don’t understand that you can choose a cable that sounds worse,but measures better.

Then you should not be on a High-End forum that prioritizes the soundquality :wink::grin:.



No, we are on the Naim forum and its not a “high-spec” gang (more attempts at insults again ???)
This is nothing to do with sound quality; compliance to an international standard should be compulsory to any brand that says their patch cable is Cat whatever number…
Your various mad priced cables & rare earth plugs & sockets are required to test for ISO electrical standard conformance, but with ethernet you are willing to accept any old piece of damp string sold for the price of gold just as long as it sounds OK. … very illogical.

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The trouble is, different people have different ideas of what is the best sound quality!

I think measurements have great value in filtering things to find good ideas of what may be worth auditioning, their objectivity being a great benefit (though sometimes, or for some people, it may be necessary to listen and look at measurements to understand what the measurements mean in terms of sound).

Reviews can have a value as well, though really only when they are comparative reviews, compared against something the you know yourself, and in a system sufficiently similar to your own, and done by a reviewer who is consistent. Subjective comments on this forum in effect are reviews, so the same considerations apply.

And finally, having seen measurements where they are available, and noted any relevant reviews, listening in your own system and room is invaluable: I would say essential for speakers and DACs (maybe less so for amplification), and essential for expensive ancillaries like cables - indeed for anything expensive, unless you know you can easily move on with no, or trivial, loss if it doesn’t work out for you.

However, it is not always possible to audition before buying, in which case the more objective the information the more reliable it can be. Subjective assessments such as on this forum are really only of value when you know with reasonable certainty that someone else’s meaning of good sound quality is the same as yours, e.g. through their posting of assessments of many things that you have heard yourself, describing exactly as you would describe, and their subjective assessment is in an identical system as far as everything of note is concerned.

I have sometimes bought on the strength of measurements and comparative reviews, having been unable to audition first, and not been disappointed with anything as yet.

And what these superb measurements of the BJ cables did ? Nothing.
I just preferred much more the vodka cable which gives me much more realistic sound . You can enjoy your specs, I prefer enjoy to music.