Blue Jeans Ethernet cables


I found voices better textured and with more incarnation with the vodka.

This track is such a different track with the BJC on the streamer and QNAP than with the AQ Cinnamon. Bass I didn’t even here with AQ, depth, texture, spacing seems right or natural. Highs and mids are not overstated and it’s as resolving as it should be. So much more enjoyable.

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I really appreciate it when someone goes to the trouble of citing a specific piece of music when describing sonic improvements.

It brings an argumentation to life.

I agree Nigel! Here is mine track to show my preference:

This whole process makes me wonder what AQ’s goal is with this cable.

More specifically this track is:
QNAP/Minim/Tidal through Kazoo on a SU with Ovator 400s and of course a full loom of BJC cat 6 and cat 6a. And it rocks at high volume, not fatiguing at all. The volume increases around you instead of at you. My ears bleed with the AQ at not even high volume.

I don’t think we quite have the same taste in music FR. Certainly not when it comes to auditioning. Gladly though my auditioning days are over, over a long time ago, oh yeah. If you’re happy with what you have why worry, be happy. After all I’d sooner be happy than right.

If Motorhead were elves…

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You understood that it’s my music taste? No, my god, not of course,

I think he missed the track title…

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The tittle of the track is VODKA


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You seek to confuse me Mr Rooster. I listened to two of your YouTubes and you now say these are not to your taste. I was hoping you would guide me on the music of France so I could explore songs as good as this - s’il vous plaît cliquez pour écouter. There is more to this hobby than listening to cables or even wondering if LP12 into a DSM matches Chord Blu2 for sound quality.

Tiberio, it was humorous from me these 2 YouTube tracks. The first track was a response to Mike who wrote that I like probably noise: so I choose an awful noisy track.
The second was a response to Nigel who likes that we explain our tastes with music examples: I choose a track whose title is “Vodka “.
Is my humour is difficult to understand for a British cottage guy? :grinning:

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I think Tiberio is playing with you…

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If you ask, here 2 french women singers I like :


I think Francoise Hardy is wonderful. I have every album she has released. But I do not agonise over whether she is better than Sonja Kristina. And yet we agonise in this forum over streaming cables. Isn’t life strange.

So I think this calls for a bit of Frank Zappa

Those two clips are superb. Two artists I shall most definitely explore. I was aware of Christine and the Queens, but not Juliette Armanet. Excellent merci.

My point was we are in danger of getting to hung up on cables and losing sight of why we bought our systems: to play great music.


FB, sorry I miss a lot of this thread for a few days, I’m travelling, home tomorrow night.
For the benefit of TM & others, the noise I was referring to was the manchester encoded carrier noise that is probably not significant in a BJC but might be something in the Vodka that adds to the music reproduction to make it more attractive to the uneducated ears of Vodka fans.
The discordulant noise, with mixed 4/4 & 8/7 time signatures that you jokingly offered as noise examples, yes, haha, small haha,


The other way round, I’d suggest. :grin:

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