Blue Jeans Ethernet cables

A last one, with Veronique Samson. Véronique Samson made splendid albums in the 70’s, 80’s.
Here with Juliette Armanet.


:small_blue_diamond:As we say in Sweden…

One Thing Does Not Rule Out The Other Thing.


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l have had my full BJC Cat 6a loom in since Friday now and I am starting to really like it. There is a little bit of exuberance missing from having the Vodka in but on that same token I have noted there is more delicacy and subtlety to be had from the full BJC loom. On the whole quieter backgrounds. There is more texture in the mid-bass too. In truth, I’m feeling a little relieved in that all this swapping around is starting to come to it’s end and am finally settling down and enjoying the music at last.

So, although it’s been a daily up & down, sometimes an even nutty adventures or me, I won’t be trying anymore different cables or configurations. As TM quite rightly says in a post above, one needs to appreciate why we have purchased our music systems in the first place. I now look forward to further black box upgrades instead. One thing that has come out of all of this for me is how musical my ND5 XS 2 system really is.

Happy Listening!


Here’s another for TM & FR…
“Le Sorbier de l’Oural” from Here and the Hereafter by Mirabilis

I must admit I’m teasing Mr le Coq a little - elle est Quebecoise! *

Interestingly the second voice is a Texan - contrary to popular view there are some cultured Texans!

.* I hope I got that right: I’m English and have a different view on genders!

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You have done it again, put all thoughts of cables out of mind by alerting me to this great music. My collection is mainly British with some American, French and German material. We don’t get to hear much French music here, I suspect because many of us are linguistically challenged.

I bought a box set of the complete Serge Gainsbourg studio recordings and enjoyed listening to some magnificent material. Yet most here only know of one controversial hit single with Jane Birkin.

I shall listen to some more Veronique Sanson - the video is truly wonderful.

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But time is short and listening time doubly so. Once you’ve got some decent cables, Linn and Naim and even Chord thoughtful put some power cables in the box, then you can sit back and enjoy the music.

Mind you when the local bands are Aeon, Afflicted, Anata, Arch Enemy, Arise, At the Gates. Autopsy Torment, Bloodbath, Carbonized, Cardinal Sinm Carnage, Cemetary, Centinex, Ceremonial Oath, Comecon. The Crown, Dark Tranquillity, Darkane, Death Breath, Defleshed, Demonoid, Desultory, Dimension Zero, Disfear, Dismember, Dissection, Draconian. The Duskfall, Edge of Sanity, Entombed, Eternal Oath, Eucharist, Evocation, Expulsion. Face Down, Feared, Fission, General Surgery, God Macabre, Godgory, Grave. Grotesque, Hearse, Hypocrisy, Impious, In Battle, In Flames, Inevitable End, Insision, Kaamos, Katatonia, Liers in Wait, Meshuggah, Merciless, Miseration, Morbid, Murder Squad, Mörk Gryning, Necrophobic, Nihilist, Nine, Ofermod, Ophthalamia, Paganizer, Pan Thy.Monium, The Project Hate MCMXCIX, Parasite Inc. Pantokrator, Raise Hell, Repugnant, Runemagick, Satanic Slaughter, Satariel, Scar Symmetry, Seance, Soils of Fate, Soilwork, Solution, Spawn of Possession, Theory in Practice, Therion, Tiamat, Tribulation, Tristitia, Unanimated, Unleashed, Visceral Bleeding, Vomitory and Zonaria then perhaps, I, too would prefer to listen to cables.

Sorry I know this music is very popular in Sweden, but I could never really get in to it myself. Could you recommend some Swedish music I could listen to? FR is doing a great job with music from France.

Stina Nordenstam is wonderful @TiberioMagadino


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Tack så mycket - I listened to Ask the Mountains with keyboard man Vangelis Papathanassíou and liked it.

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All her albums work for me - ‘This is Stina Nordenstam’ ‘And She Closed Her Eyes’ are two of the very best imho. Plus they sound superb.


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I was rather taken by Ture Rangström’s music when I discovered it,

or on a smaller scale

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TiberioMagadino and frenchrooster are no longer arguing? Actually best buds now??

Stephen seems to have settled on an Ethernet cable…

What’s happened to this group!!! :rofl:

Vodka Ethernet cable shipped back today. Blue Jeans :jeans: working good for me :grin:


Of course, FR is a great guy who likes a drop of Vodka.
Me I like my Blue Jeans.
I don’t agree with me all the time so why should anybody else.

We all just want to enjoy a bit of music - if the whole world did that then what a wonderful place this would be.

I’m steering clear of that Duke thread in the Padded Cell.


As Tiberio pointed, enjoying music is more relaxing. This thread was a bit exhausting. It’s good to take a break.
I am more waiting now some new feedbacks on the 2 Cisco using . Everyone seems not to agree on the better sound with 2 switches.
The new UpTone switch will perhaps be compared to the Cisco. I am curious too.


I agree here’s to music!!

:clinking_glasses::microphone::guitar::musical_keyboard: :notes: :beers:

Was listening to your french recommendations earlier, already knew Christine but enjoyed listening to the others, through in some Jacques Brel as well for some good measure! :fr:


This one is new and well acclaimed. Nathalie Dessay sings Nougaro.


Listening now, enjoying it. All this french music reminding me a bit too much of my french ex girlfriend though! :grin:

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My UpTone ships today.:grinning:

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What switch have you now? Curious to know your feedback on the Etheregen.

The Queen of French Pop is Mylène Farmer (though born in Quebec). This is the video, that hooked me back in the early days of MTV (a bit of an epic, set in a concentration camp and one of the very few early videos where she keeps her clothes on, and takes a little while to take off).

She’s dynamite live (has the good taste to use Paul McCartney’s drummer).

P.S. Jaques Brel was Belgian

Brel was Belgian, but he lived a lot in France and was singing in french.
I agree, people often think he was french.