Blue Jeans Ethernet cables

More or less what I found comparing BJC Cat6 to Cat6a. Will be interested to hear how you find the latter compares to the Ghent if you get round to that.

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OK here’s some speculation for you.

From a blog on the Belden web site.
“when we make cables for high frequencies, we spend a lot of time on the surface of the wire.That’s the skin. And at high frequencies, that’s the only thing working. So we do a lot of things (many of which are “trade secrets”) to make sure the surface of that wire is as perfect as we can possibly make it.”

As perfect as possible, then it’s covered in polymer insulation. That gives us two surfaces where the signal and any high frequency noise is conducted. The metal one is treated in some way judging from the above but it will have some impurities designed or otherwise. There’s usually something reactive in a polymer, chains have ends and probably there will be some sort of initiator for the polymerisation reaction. Migration within the polymer is also likely. Add an electric current and anything with a charge will be affected and any free radicals will also feel the force. If it takes time for this lot to settle into it’s in use conditions I wouldn’t be at all surprised.


Great theory, Yeti.

It seems likely that there will be charged particles in the molecules of the metal and/or the dialectric that will be altered on first (prolonged) contact with electricity.

" A dielectric (or dielectric material ) is an electrical insulator that can be polarized by an applied electric field. When a dielectric is placed in an electric field, electric charges do not flow through the material as they do in an electrical conductor but only slightly shift from their average equilibrium positions causing dielectric polarization . Because of dielectric polarization, positive charges are displaced in the direction of the field and negative charges shift in the direction opposite to the field (for example, if the field is moving in the positive x-axis, the negative charges will shift in the negative x-axis). This creates an internal electric field that reduces the overall field within the dielectric itself.[1] If a dielectric is composed of weakly bonded molecules, those molecules not only become polarized, but also reorient so that their symmetry axes align to the field.[1]"

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Hi folks,
Has anyone here compared a fully Blue Jeans loom with the full Vodka loom? Just wondered that’s all as my right hand is hovering over my wallet like Clint Eastwood from a ‘Fist Full of Dollars’. . :grin:

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Don’t do it, Stephen!

If you want to ‘go for it’ on ethernet, how about keep BJC 6a for your router to final switch sections, and spend the extra £ on a really posh final meter of cable?

Like a Diamond in the Sky?

Because although all of them have an effect, thre last leg sets the tone, because that’s where the most noise enters the DAC.

So that’s where the most difference is made.

Just make sure you can send it back if it doesn’t do it for you. And ideally get more than 14 days to decide if poss…

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To get the full effect (primarily on your wallet) you need to at least go for Chord Music! :astonished:


Don’t do it Stephen! More seriously if one were trying stuff out you should listen to Chord Signature.

I’ve never ‘heard’ them, but the TQ ethernet cable range must be worth a try - they are certainly expensive enough!

Sorry - what I really mean to say is ‘don’t do it’! You appear to be happy with what you have got, so just leave well alone and enjoy the music.

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I have a full loom BJC cat6 with cat 6a on the streamer and NAS. I have additional cat 6a on the way from BJC as I’m going to try a full cat 6a loom to see if there are any improvements to be had.

He’s back. :rofl:

Stephen. It’s an Ethernet cable. If you want to improve the sound. Look at other hardware options…

My advice is keep the BJCs save yourself some cash. Maybe upgrade elsewhere down the line. Or just enjoy it :slight_smile: Either way… make a decision and send one back or just stick with it… as much as I love your daily indecision… I’m trying to help you :rofl:


Hi Stephen.
Just completed several months of enjoyable experiments of ethernet cable tests, from cheap to very high end including the vodka(which was very good) chord music etc and in my system (very high end naim system) the winner is BJC6a. It’s a full SL cabling with 3 bjc cat6a cables. It’s so musical, I always like the sound to be like a live band. Fantastic.


Very sound advice. I was at my dealer today and heard a NDX 2 with Supernait 3 through PMC twenty five .23. Very sweet man. I can’t make my mind up if to go for Neat Ekstra or PMC. Exciting times are on the horizon for sure…I not going to lie, I’ve slipped the Vodka back in…:thinking:

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Well, I had an inkling you might be hungry for an NDX2.

If that’s now a real possibility, then it’s defo not the time to invest in more cables!

Or are you just considering new speakers?


Still taking bets in the Stephen Stakes.

Vodka or BJC?

New odds now available on new speakers instead.


No, new system but I can’t yet decide on the speakers as yet. I intend a whole system upgrade at once, well that’s the plan for next year.

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Bu**ger! I can’t keep up!

OK, 10 to 1 on a complete new system next!


Well I have NDX2 and Supernait 3… wasn’t keen on the vodka :slight_smile:

The stereo has been out of action for just over a week while the dining room - where the router, switch and nas live - has been gutted. While everything was off I ordered some BJC 6A cables. I wired it all up this morning with the new wires, and the Cisco on a slab of granite that I bought for the mains block and which was a disaster. So it’s now a 6A full loom, feeding the system with full SL. It all sounds delightful, and the Cat 6 have been repurposed elsewhere on the network. I don’t intend to think about ethernet cables again. I’m convinced that by endlessly swapping and comparing the only thing achieved is disappearing up your own backside. Make a choice, enjoy the music, move on.


My sentiments exactly. I just ordered a couple of short BJC 6a’s this morning to replace the 6’s I just got a short while back for the NUC>2960 and 2960>opticalModule. Should have ordered 6a to begin with all around as the 6a does sound that much better than 6, though for a couple of longer runs 6 was a much better deal . Thankfully not out that much $ with BJC. Live and learn. But yeah, intend to not think about ethernet cables after this!