Blue tack or gel pads?

Is blue tack still, the best way of securing speaks to stands ? Or is it now gel pads, thank you

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It’s never been the best way, a much better, and sensibly priced solution is Herbie’s Audio Lab Fat Dots.


Gel pads for me, still secure (heavy atc scm11) and you can tweak toe in etc much more easily.

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Blu tack here and not too much…. When removing speakers from stands a slight twisting motion is required. I think one brand even supplies some with their standmounts!


I use silicone door stoppers on Amazon branded Vicloon. Not sticking to my speakers but bit sticky so they get a firm attachment.


It may be worth reading this thread: Blu Tack. A warning


Hence the advice, don’t use too much and when removing apply a twisting movement.



Blutak can still damage susceptible surfaces through its oil, no matter how carefully removed. But there’s other potentially useful in that other thread info for the OP or others considering…

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Spike them on. :+1:t2:


Have just removed one of my speakers from its stand and the blue tack has cracked/split the veneer!
These speakers have only been in use a couple of weeks while our main pair are back at pmc for a check over, luckily I have managed to repair the damage but to avoid it happening on the other speaker I used dental floss to cut through the blue tack before lifting the speaker off its stand.
So from my experience I will not be using blue tack again, not worth the risk.
Will definitely look for another method for future use, gel pads etc, no blue tack for me.


Agreed…Blu Taking was, a long time ago, suggested as a (compromised) solution to stands which did not include spikes. Why would anyone want to damp their speakers…they should be still!..let the drivers do the moving.


In the other thread I described a way of using blutac that avoids contact with veneer

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Absolutely you only spike them once “ get it right ‘ then it’s the same if ever moved.
Rock solid no squishing around. :+1:t2:


This is the user instructions for the PMC twenty5 stand. Of course, there are lots of Forum members who are far more knowledgeable than one of the UKs top speaker manufacturers.

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Yup. I use blutack on my 21is. Any colouration is on the bottom of the speakers, so I’m not bothered.

If you twist the speaker, you won’t get any damage. You should never pull them straight off. I had my ProAcs attached to their stands with BluTack for two years and unmoved. I twisted them off and you’d never have known that there had been any BluTack attached to the speakers. Doubtless the quality of finish of the speakers comes into play here.

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I use MoonGel pads to great effect…


Always spiked on the stand. :+1:t2:


Hi, can I have the make of the pads you’re using please I will be for tabs 10 on target R1 stands

Blue Tack for loudspeaker isolation is like wall warts to audio components. Does it do the job? Yes. Optimally? Not even close…

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