Bluesound Node N130 vs Naim vs Alternatives

Hmmm :thinking:
What’s your network situation ?

I mean, do you have just Wi-Fi or maybe CAT5 / CAT6 or even CAT7 wired network ports. Can you get network ports to where you want your network devices ?

Router and switches ?
Do they have capacity for extra traffic

That might be important to consider for what follows

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Yes, you basically ignore the nDAC for SA, use one of its inputs only. Plug the SA jack cable between streamer and amp as per usual. No matter that the signal passes via the nDac.

You hook up other digital sources to the streamer, then, not to the nDAC. Think of the combo as a two-box version of the ND5 XS2 now (that’s why you won’t need a NDX2 anymore).


@ratrat Yes, network fully ethernet wired from router to work room. A couple of 4 port Cisco switches (just the basic units) in the work room and one 8 port Cisco next to the router to enable the whole of the downstairs to be CAT5 wired. Upstairs is Wi-Fi only on a BT Whole Home Mesh system.

@daddycool Excellent, that would be ideal as I really like using the App to control the UQ2.


Where would you put UQ2 and any other items. Did you say Kitchen ?

Yes, the UQ2 will be in a kitchen diner, streamer & amp in my work room.

As i’m out all day tomorrow, on Monday, I’ll sketch out a room layout to show how the systems will be sited, and also the ethernet cable layout too, as that will clarify the two installations.

Really like your studio workspace.
It looks a great space to spend your day.

Several elements to a well rounded system, with music streaming at its heart. Streamer - server - external DAC - amplifier, maybe an integrated amp. Also user interfaces for access and navigation and the internet music streaming platforms. Power supplies too, if you wish to get into that. (Maybe not PSU’s . So, leaving that for another day).

At the budget end of the streamer market, there is a plethora of offerings. Some are mentioned at the beginning of your thread. All offer something interesting. However, now your budget is better understood, thoughts would start some where else instead. On balance, spending on source first, as a priority with the budget.

Here are a few thoughts about what I’ve learned over recent years - experience and experiments ….

Digital sources : Reference points
Just focussing on sound quality only, here are a few reference points …

  • Naim NDX2 is better than ND5 XS2

  • ND5 XS2 + nDAC is better then bare NDX2. (Can be achieved for half the cost of NDX2). Albeit two boxes, instead of one.

  • Also, ND5 XS2 is better than (streaming component only in ) NSC222

  • ND5 XS2 is better than Innous ZENmini + LPSU, (when using their respective internal DAC’s)

  • ND5 XS2 and Innous ZENmini + LPSU - both used as transport with nDAC - both almost equal. ND5 XS2 edges it. Just.

  • Innous ZENmini + LPSU is better than ZENmini bare.

  • Innous Pulse is better than Naim ND5 XS2. Same or similar costs. ( Note : Pulse is streaming transport only. No internal DAC. So needs to be partnered with a decent external DAC ).

  • I am told, (not auditioned this myself) Innous Pulsar is equal to NDX2. Innous costs less.

  • Chord Qutest performs same or similar as Naim DAC. Maybe slightly different presentation, it’s subjective. Qutest has limited number of inputs, compared to nDAC.

  • Chord Hugo TT is better than nDAC and Qutest.

Now let’s look at whole solutions…
So, looking at Naim system ideas. (After all, this is a Naim forum).
Note : Suggested prices, from Nov 2023.

Naim XS Series
Two or three boxes. As already suggested by @daddycool, the XS slim boxes solution would be Nait XS3 and ND5 XS2. And yes, maybe add a nDAC too. Perfect matching form factor. All that might be achieved with a budget of around £4,500.

Sorted for phono. The XS3 has an internal MM stage. It’s a good one.

I started my Naim journey with the Nait XS2. A perfect partner to our Rega RP6, which we improved from stock, over time. Added a HiCap to the XS2. Also added CD5 XS as transport with nDAC. Was happy with this for years.

Naim Original Classic
Two boxes. NDX2 + SN2 or maybe SN3 is the obvious place to be, with OC, subject to pieces available at the right pre-loved prices. Pairing a pre-loved NDX2 + SN2 might expect to be around £5,500.

Pre-loved SN3’s tend to go for £ 2,500-3,000. Maybe too much. However…
The SN3 has an internal MM phono stage. It’s a good one. The benefit of using your Rega record player directly with SN3 and losing a box (separate phono stage) might be worth pushing the budget and stretch to the SN3.

Naim New Classic
Two boxes. The new Classic NSC222 is a great option. You might prefer what is offers.
There is a pre-loved New Classic NSC222 - at Acoustica - for just under £4k. Maybe find and add an OC NAP200 DR for around c.£1200. So you could get going with latest NC system, for just around £5,200.

Sorted for phono. The 222 has an internal MM phono stage.

Thoughts about vinyl
Assuming you intend to keep and carry your RP6 forward with you.

Like you, we also have the Rega RP6. I love mine and wouldn’t ever consider being parted from it. Actually, I’m not sure I could really say anything that might improve on the very capable Ortofon Black 2M, probably one for the best MM cartridges around.

Are you using the original TT- PSU supplied with the RP6 ? If yes, there is an inexpensive upgrade open to you, by swapping in the newer NEO PSU. Honestly, for just over £250 it’s a steal and one of the best upgrades for your RP6 out there.

One thought is to maybe go to MC with such as Dynavector 20x2 or Rega Ania or Ania Pro. Also requires an extra box, an MC phono stage, like Rega Fono MC or better Aria. I only mention this, as the better amplifiers will show you the small differences or gain from these several ideas.

A recommendation
My opinion FWIW, putting all that together.
With what I have learned and know, would probably pursue one of these two solutions. Both are three boxes.

(1) ND5 XS2 + nDAC → SN3 ( Budget around £5,500 )
Note : There is some redundancy here, as the streamer has an internal DAC which has been paid for, but isn’t being used. This idea leads to another option…
(2) Innous Pulse + Chord Qutest → SN3 ( Budget around £ 6k )
Note : At this price point, probably the best streaming SQ out there, right now.

TBH, think the nDAC and Qutest are interchangeable in this regard. Select the one that suits you best.

If the all Naim option 1 appeals, all same form factor, then look to Moorgate Acoustics, in Sheffield. They currently have both pre-loved or ex-demo items ND5 XS2 and SN3 available. Also, look to Signals, in Ipswich for a pre-loved nDAC. It’s an older item, but better priced. Check out their websites. This superb all Naim three box solution could be achieved for just less than £ 5,350 from available items.

Another way forward, with this option, is to take your time. Start with ND5 XS2 and SN3 for maybe around £4,500 for now. Later, add an external DAC for a nice upgrade, when you are ready.

If you don’t so much mind mixed items, from different brands, maybe think seriously about the Innous Pulse, which is so seriously good. With any decent DAC, like the nDAC or Chord Qutest, with a SN3.

What do to about your CD collection?
Consider continuing using the Mac mini, or any other NAS - as upnp - on your LAN. The streamer can then access your CD collection. Alternatively, transfer all onto a USB memory device and attach directly to the streamer.

Diminutive shoe boxes
When funds allow, add the ubiquitous Innous ZENmini. It’s an absolute darling. Transfer your CD collection archive across. The ZM can become your server, for the whole house. Also offer local streaming, in one room, for the UQ2. (If you wish, go on a journey with the ZM and add LPSU and external DAC over time ). In the meantime, add the natty NAP100 to your Uniti Qute 2 for a perfectly formed shoe box system. The ZENmini is the obvious choice to match with Naim UQ2 + NAP100. Perfect matching form factor.

At this point, it is worth noting an advantage here for the user, if both digital sources are Innous the result is a single UI - Sense - for both devices.

Think about UI
Think about user interface. FWIW, my opinion is Naim App is good. Works perfectly well. Innous Sense is better. For me, Roon is best. Maybe look at Roon further down the line.

Knowledge is good
Have a long chat with the guys at Acoustica
Do some more research.
Go look at alternative products and ideas, with Innous and Chord products, in particular.
Look for opportunities to use some of the items you’re not familiar with. Particularly the user interfaces.

Maybe sign up for the free trials with the music streaming platforms (Tidal, Qobuz, etc) and see how they work too

Good luck

p.s. just listening to The National, “Laugh Track”, (2023).


I was happy with the rips dbpoweramp did, and then out of curiosity I asked Innuos if there was any benefit in re-ripping with the Zen, Innuos advised there would be improvement. I did 6 re-rips of the albums I use as a reference every time I make a change to my system. And there was definitely an improvement, so I re-ripped all my CDs. I can’t give you a technical reason, I was of the belief that bits are bits, but my ears thought differently.

The Zen works like any other upnp server, using the Naim app you just select the Zen as the server and play your music as you would with Asset. I just plug the 272 into the network port on the back of the Zen, no different to how you would be plugging your Unitiqute or Mac mini into a switch. To me one of the attractions of the Zen, I could plug my 272 directly into the Zen that way there is no other device in between the upnp server (the Zen) and the streamer (272) to add noise. You don’t need to use the Innuos app to play music, but I use it occasionally to check for software updates, to shut the Zen down when a storm is coming through. You can also use the app to edit your rips if you want to edit metadata, album covers etc (but if I need to do an edit I do it from my PC using a web browser to get to the interface of the Zen). But you would need to use the Innuos app to play music if you connected the Zen directly to a DAC .

I was able to borrow one from my dealer to demo at home, it makes a lot more sense once you can do that.

I also demoed the entry level Melco network player, it was similar to the Zen with the network port on the back that you could plug your streamer into. To my ears though it wasn’t close to the Zen, it was about the same quality as the Mac mini. The other thing to keep in mind is that the Mac is designed to multi task, so it will have a lot more processes running, dedicated music servers would have an operating system optimised to only store and play music. Dedicated music servers would also have a circuit board and power supply designed to generate less noise, the Mac mini wouldn’t. Apologies if this is a little long winded.


That’s a cracking post.
Great insight. I’ve just learned something new too.

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Indeed @QlderBrad , and the same goes for your post @ratrat!

Informative and subtle, as opposed to my “other-side-of-the-Channel” directness. Which I try to be very aware of, but which still sometimes gets the better of me when talking to a fellow Nait 2 owner like @YetiZone or @anon27418182.

There seems to be only one point where we have different views and that is on amps. A minority perspective I guess, but to my ears there is a huge difference between the XS2/SN2 and XS3/SN3 far beyond the added (indeed wonderful) phono stage.
For years I’ve been open to alternatives for the Nait 2, that little box of wonders, that does have its quirks however. I really could not get along with the mk2 iterations of both amps, preferring the 152/155 over the XS2 for example. Then the mk3s came along and there is something new there, some hard to define speed, joy, aura that makes all the difference (to me).

Within that, as a metaphor, I see the Nait 2 as an expensive beach outfit, the XS3 as some really nice casual outfit, and the SN3 as a form of nice suit. I demoed extensively and was very impressed what the big amp brings, dragging the speakers along to great depth. Yet, I enjoyed the XS3 much more, able to be playful like the Nait 2. Perhaps the step was too big.
The SN3 improved considerably in that respect with the DR HiCap, with that IMO more a necessity than an option (just like the NDX2 needs its PSU in my opinion), this should be included in the budget calculations I think. I just realised it’s likely also speaker dependent, your EPOS14s were often paired with NAP250s in the day so probably like all the grip you can give them.

All this to say that because @YetiZone comes from both a Nait 2 and a UQ2 (which I know well and also has a certain je-ne-sais-quoi) with smaller speakers I would not be surprised if also for him the SN3 would be a step too far. The 3-box slimline XS combination is already a quantum leap and mildly source first, which IMO is a good thing. All this in my experience via my ears in the settings here, so I understand well if his or your mileage would vary.

As you correctly point out, there’s now also the NC series to consider! It is an inspiration to read your posts and the forum as a whole is now quite a good source of information on this. Which is a necessity given that many are getting their heads around all the choices.


At the risk of committing some kind of heresy, and as an original owner of a Nait 2 ( now serviced) which will probably be pried from my cold dead hands, I cannot understand the sq comparison with anything that Naim has subsequently released. Even my Nait5i gives a vastly superior sq. I love my Nait2 for its appearance ( so stylish), its sq from such a small box, and its history and part in my life. It will never compete with my xs2, let alone an xs3 or sn3.
I will continue to enjoy my Nait2 with some near field speakers for late night listening when Mrs Bruss is in bed early, but it isn’t any competition for modern Naim equivalents.


Not heresy at all, just a different experience @bruss! And you have an easier Naim journey with that.

Perhaps it’s a certain “tone” one likes to hear? Recently here a member from the old forum was referenced, who liked the Nait 2, the original Nait 5i and then the 500 series. It happens.

Happy to hear that regardless you’re still hanging on to the little box, that does say something.

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Just catching up with the posts now, so apologies for the delay in replying…

@ratrat What a fabulous, insightful post! A thousand thanks for taking so much time to share all your recent experience refining your systems and for going through all of the potential options and ideas for my plans.

Everything is leaning towards Old Classic, and a Supernait of some sort, with either ND5 XS2 or the NDX2 as source. A plan is forming, so I’m going to reach out to a few dealers locally at first, just to see what used or ex dem stock they have before national searches begin, then go from there.

I enjoyed the New Classic 300 rigs at the Acoustica show today and thought it al sounded fabulous, but way beyond my budget, even the used and ex dem models now hitting the market - for the future perhaps, but not now. No chance to chat to the Acoustica bods to gain any insight as to my own personal system as the guys were being quizzed quite a bit by show visitors, so I’ll call them later in the week.

The RP6 is standard, save for the 2M Black. I’d not considered, nor even thought about the NEO PSU, as I thought it was very similar in performance to the RP6 PSU, and more of an upgrade for the intro Rega models?

I think the Zen will factor into things down the line - not just yet. But what was telling, Innuos was being used in a couple of the rooms today at the show, so that speaks volumes in some ways. But, I want to think this through properly and not rush into it. I currently have a stable UPnP local playback system that just works, so moving beyond this will be something I explore in the New Year once my work room is back up and running. I’ll certainly have no space or time to be ripping CDs until then with the ongoing building work (gulp).

@QlderBrad That’s great, thanks for expanding on how the Innuos works with your current set up and how it connects to the 272. I think the idea of a home dem / loan is the best option, and I’ll contact the nearest stockist and arrange this nearer the time. The more I read about the Zen the more I like what I’m finding out about it.

@daddycool Never once have I though that your posts were any other than extremely helpful and in good spirit, so most welcome! Great metaphor on the relative merits of the Naits too. I’ve heard most of the Nait and Snait incarnations and generally like them all, but never got on with the Snait1 for some reason. Your observations / preference of the 3 series of XS and SN is very interesting and wasn’t expecting that.

@bruss - Very interesting that you consider all of the next generation Naits to be superior to the original Nait2. I guess it has its era related limitations etc, but it still has a rather infectious character!


@ratrat Managed to throw a quick layout together of the how the rooms are laid out and where the systems will eventually live in the long term. The CAT5 cable run from dinning room, through the garage to the studio is some 10-15 metres. Hopefully this makes sense…

Absolutely, it punches above what you might expect from it, but it is an old design that has been bettered for sq.

The Nait 50 shows that. Great packaging, modern electronics and design.


Great. Thanks for sharing.

All looks good for music streaming…
QU : Are those two switches providing for any general computing duties?
QU : How many ports does the BT router have ?


For the RP6 psu idea…

Something that has been learned about turntables over years…
PSU, motor and speed control is about maintaining a much more accurate speed. This precision controls “pitch”, which is probably one of the more important aspects of what any turntable does.

For the RP6 and swopping to NEO, some background reading…

Maybe no need to do anything immediately. Just passing on a “top tip”.
But it’s a nice thing to explore, if you jump to a better amplifier, more able to resolve and display small differences made on the TT.

Hope all this information is helpful?



Re the Cisco switches. Yes, both have computers connected to them. The BT hub has just four ports.

That’s great :+1:

Ok, will read through later on. I thought the RP6 had a decent PSU from the off, so interesting that it can be bettered for the modest cost with the NEO :sunglasses:

A little footnote, which may be a bit OCD boring.
So, forgive me. But it’s an informative story…

When the P6 was first launched, which superseded the RP6, it was only maybe 12-18 months after we had invested in our RP6. Incidentally, about the same time, Rega released the Ania MC cartridge. It became a factory fit option on the P6.

Curiosity got the better of me…
I wondering about trading the RP6, for newer P6.
Also, how the Ania MC might work on the mid range Rega decks.

With this in mind, with my lovely dealer, one afternoon we did a straight A/B comparison of my RP6 deck with their demo’ P6.

Changing one thing at a time and learning.

Both decks were fitted with a Rega Ania.
Both decks auditioned with same NEO PSU. Swapping original TT-PSU back in and out.
Both decks auditioned through same Aria phono stage.
With Naim NAIT XS2 amplifier.

We figured out the NEO was probably the most significant contribution to how the better P6 sounded. Suggest as much as 60-70% of the difference between decks.

BTW, same thing happens with other decks too. For example changing or upgrading power supplies on an LP12 can make a big difference

The NEO PSU first appeared as part of the P6 package. It was clearly part of the what the updated and better P6 package offered. Maybe one of several Rega tweaks on the new P6. Shortly after, about the time of this experiment, Rega made the NEO available as a separate item.

Anyway, came home with a new Ania cartridge and soon after a NEO PSU for our RP6. Happy and convinced it was otherwise not worth trading my RP6 and swopping to the P6. Sold the Exact MM cartridge, Fono MM phono stage and TT-PSU onwards to help fund the new items.

If you are tempted, maybe wait, until other things are in place before you explore this one.

Apologies to everyone for severe topic drift.

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Well, we had already established that thinking about a budget streamer can cause a total system re-evalution (there should be a warning sticker), so within scope not drift I would say :slight_smile:

Wise words, analogue is a journey in its own to enjoy after the amp / digital dust has settled. And plenty of info and opinion (and dealer support) available on that too when the times comes.

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