Bored so I've ordered a Townshend Audio Allegri+ Pre Amp

@Chag, @anon4216120, don’t take too seriously my comments on the Allegri. It was late.
However I prefer more grip and authority in a pre.

That is my OTHER preamp, when I am not running the Allegri - which is superb with NO lack of PRAT.

What do do you think?

I mainly plug mine in for the phono stage which is excellent.

Hi Chag,


Funnily enough I have asked a friend who knows him to find out from MC what he uses.



When I spoke to Martin about this last year he said his preferred interconnects were Super Lumina between his NDS, Allegri and 500. Better start saving!

:joy: LOL …and BUGGER.

Perhaps that is in the context of the full loom? Just to rub in some more salt.

I didn’t ask what what speaker cables he used!
That reminds me, I’ve been meaning to get my Allegri out and give it another try. I had kind of given up on it, but I might just give it one more chance.

Hi Chris, I would be interested to hear your thoughts on the allegri driving your Naim power amp, as it appears from your profile that you are comfortable with the sound of No-Naim pre.

Hi, I couldn’t get my Allegri to sound as good as my 282. I wanted to like it, and I wasn’t keen on cluttering up the rack with a 4 box amp using a single digital source. I tried a few different cables, but still I was never really happy with it.
Then I tried the Chord Dave. It sounded great with the 282, but I thought equally good, if a little different, without it. So when my 1 month demo period with Dave was up, I kept it and sold the 282. Not the traditional Naim path, but I couldn’t see any benefit in keeping the 282, and de-cluttering the rack was great.

The Townshend is an Autoformer not a passive pre ,there is quite a large difference as it uses transformers taps to attenuate volume rather than resistors .If the opportunity presents itself do have a listen to either of the ones Richard mentioned as they are very highly regarded ,I have heard of one chap in Hong Kong who replaced his Audio Research 40th anniversary Ref pre with a Bespoke Autoformer preamp as an upgrade.

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Hi Chris,

Thank you for your reply, it is interesting to hear your feed back on the Allegri, but more importantly for me, of your positive experiences when using the Dave directly into your nap 250 power amp.
I wasn’t quite sure from your profile if you were indeed feeding your Nap 250 via the Dave with out a Naim pre in between. I have tried a loaned NDX2 > Chord Hugo tt2 feeding my Nap 300 and initially enjoyed the detail but over all it seemed to lack the ‘fun-bouncy’ sound I have become used to from using my SU as a streamer/pre into my Nap 300.

On reflection, my initial positive response to the NDX2 > Hugo tt2 > Nap 300 was when playing Classic and Jazz tracks, it was only when I switched to modern popular music that I felt it sounded a bit lifeless. I really do wonder if I have normalised the ‘fat sound’ I currently have and that a longer spell with a Hugo tt might be worth a try.

I tried the Allergi+ last year based on reviews from Hi-Fi Critic. They claimed the Allergi+ was better than the 552. I found a used one in excellent condition and had Flashback make me an RCA to XLR unbalanced cable to feed my NAP500. It was an interesting exercise and informed me on how a preamplifier influences sound. There’s no doubt the 552 was superior by a great distance, it gave the music energy, dynamics and drive the Allergi+ could not deliver. The passive preamp did have excellent clarity and air, but was boring in comparison. I even tried the Allergi+ in several friends Naim systems with similar results. The only time the Allergi+ blew me away was in a friend’s all-tube system where it replaced a PrimaLuna preamp. In this system it brought enormous richness to the sound. I suspect there is better synergy with the Conrad Johnson tubes than a Naim amplifier.

I’ll be curious to hear your report. I sold off my Allergi+. I it did hear it shine, but clearly it needs the right paring.

Chris, you might have not helped the little silver gem with a Flashback. Most use a pair of RCA to XLR mono F1 Fractal that Townshend assemble for them - my case. I understood that Colloms had Naim assemble a pair of Lumina with that connectics for his 500.

You may have a point, although in my trials, mostly with a Mk1 Hugo, I tried various cables including Flashback, Fractal and Naim Hiline, and I still couldn’t really get it to shine. I guess it’s possible that I didn’t pay enough attention to burn-in or cable dressing, which is partly why I’m thinking of giving the Allegri another go when I have some time.

Chag, I think to remember that you are mostly listening to classical music. In that case the Allegri seems more appropriate, than modern jazz and rock music.
My feeling…

A friend of mine purchased the Fractal interconnects to go with his Allergi+ The difference was not earth shattering to his ears or mine. He was feeding a NAP300.

I have no doubt the Allergi+ has a place and I’d try it again with a Leben tube amp or maybe some other exotic 300B amp. But the 552/500 combo is still the best I’ve heard.

I use a Music First Baby Classic. This, like the Townshend, uses TVA ( transformer rather than resistance wiring). You can choose between XLR or RCA connections and I love the dynamics. Passives work really well with digital sources that produce strong signals. Vinyl can be very cartridge or phono amp dependent I understand.

I’m a little confused with your definition of what is passive electronics or not.

To quote…
Passive electronic components are those that don’t have the ability to control electric current by means of another electrical signal. Examples of passive electronic components are capacitors, resistors, inductors, transformers, and some diodes.

In my book, if the device doesn’t need a mains plug then it’s passive… IMHO :slight_smile:

I too have owned an Allegri+ and Townshend’s DC 47–his no holds barred unit, he calls it an Allegri+ on steroids. I got great results with them. Considering the 552 and the power supplies, here in the US, I believe the cost difference from a Allegri+ and a 552 is close to 10x! Perhaps your results had something to do with the unusual way name partitions preamps and amps, which is unitque, and considers them a system, albeit in several boxes?

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What to say then of the Allegri Reference? In another league of the A+ they write.

I have not heard it, but Max usually delivers. Maybe I will sell my DC 47.