Brand new Nac 282

282 with Active 40s is a great combination.

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282 and 300 perfect match. 252 not tried yet.

I have recently added a 282 in place of a 202 and mirror your findings, at the moment my 200dr is doing a sterling job especially considering the speakers it is having to drive.
I will add a 250dr or a 300dr in the future but for now things are sounding mighty fine.
Just to add I have recently added in an ndac which again has brought some nice benefits to the setup, enjoy your new purchase.

The 102 really did not strut its stuff until it was outfitted with a Supercap. I used one for several weeks in the context of a 6x135/DBL active system, while my 52 was being serviced. It sounded quite mundane with a Hicap, and not-so-bad with the Supercap, being quite a bit better than a 42.5 that I also tried with the Supercap into the same system.

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Congratulations rotch! I am happy that you have had such a positive experience with the NAC 282. I am pretty positive that my current system configuration is pretty much set for years to come. I built my current system to be the best it could be before I retired and now at 72 years old the only thing planned would be having the equipment being refreshed when the time comes.

Life is sweet and so is the music!


A NAP200 wasn’t going to improve anything. My speakers would have struggled with it.

I bought my 202 used and sold it on for about the same money, so I didn’t lose much money on it, if anything in the end.

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Yep so many good deals possible second hand.

Most Naim amplifiers can be supported and serviced, no risk really at half or 1/3 price.
There’s only very few I’d dare not to buy.

People will have a preference, looking back its quite amazing how many variants Naim have created since JV released the BD amps.

You’ll be happy with that combination for some time. I had the 200 until a fortnight ago and bought a nearly new 250DR. It’s better, but not massively. The 200 is great fun and really swings.

Some folk suggest getting a second HiCap for the 282. I tried that for a week and we couldn’t hear much difference. Enjoy what you have and forget upgrading for a while!

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Like rotch but mine is considerably older but new to me, I had planned to go to the 250dr from my 200dr but I see you were not massively impressed or should I say your were expecting more from the 250dr, could you share a few more thoughts on your experience with the 250dr, thanks.

282/200 even without HC is a great pairing.


yes, the 282 has been on for a week nearly and sounding very good! it probably is the best best pre upgrade ive ever made! just better than the 202 in every way! wider, deeper,faster,higher.a whole lot more musical and fun to listen too!


I did expect a bigger jump. There’s more bass definition, a little more detail. The big advantage for me is that you can listen at a lower volume and get all the detail. You need to have the volume quite high to get the best from the 200.

I got the 250DR secondhand and had I paid full price, I think I would have felt it wasn’t worth it. I think this isn’t a slur on the 250 but praising the 200. It’s a great, rocking amp. Really swings.

I should add that my setup is in the conservatory and the central heating partly broke down. It was hard to listen at 7C, so I haven’t heard the amp properly warmed up yet! Now the heating out there is on, I have a flu type virus.

Appreciate your reply, sorry to hear your not well hope you start feeling better soon.
My system does seem to need a couple of hours use to get to its best and that’s in a heated lounge, guessing using it in the temperatures you mentioned wouldn’t be ideal, not very comfortable for listening either.
I feel the 250dr will get more out of my PMC’s or I may need to go to the 300dr but realistically that’s stretching my budget a little to far.
For the moment I will carry on enjoying the system with the ndac in place maybe add a DC-1 in the coming months and contemplate the next step.

Thank you.

I have found bigger benefits in upgrading my Linn than I did from going from 200 to 250. In particular, the Cirkus to Karousel and Radikal 1 to 2. The jump from 202 to 282 was very impressive though. If within my budget, I might have auditioned the 300DR, but it isn’t. Especially as my wife is facing a five figure dental bill!

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Ouch! Feel for you, in the last 18 months my wife and I have spent about ÂŁ5k on dental treatments and that was bad enough.

Interesting you’re experience with your Lp12, mine is still standard apart from a full refresh earlier in the year but at the moment streaming is my main source, as much as I would like to make upgrades to the TT, that will have to wait awhile, cheers.

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I personally think this is a myth propagated by dealers and manufacturers to sell more boxes. If a new item makes your system sound worse, I suspect its the new item!


Either that, or the wrong thing was upgraded. It’s sort of like upgrading speakers to make vinyl sound better when you have a Crosley turntable.

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Stand by your nap 200 if your speakers is fine with it.Nap 200 is way more musicalic than nap 250,no comparison.Your nac 282 loves nac 200.

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What is the age of your NAP 250, as they do require servicing at certain intervals.

Also Naim do recommend to leave their kit switched on 24/7.


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