Brand new Nac 282

Mine is from 2019, so no need for a service for some years. It is left powered on 24/7.


What a bizarre statment.

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It has a lot to do with speaker synergy and room acoustics, certainly not outside the realm of possibilities as many have reported before.

last night I spent some time with the new 282 and decided to listen to the difference between the rca input vs the din. I had been using a chord shawline with a mayware din adaptor and tried just using the rca aux2 instead. although adaptors are not the best solution I had noticed that even with the adaptor the sound was better. mainly noticed to be in the bottom end ie through the rca there wasnā€™t as much and it lost its drive compared. altogether though im very happy with the 282 and it is only 2 weeks old from new so is still going thru its break-in time :slight_smile:

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I have to say with my then Dyna Contour 1.8s I thought the 200 more rhythmic and yes musical than with the 250-2 which I found laden. 250 DR though massively different.

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I have to agree with Lindsay. The only supposed ā€˜upgradeā€™ I regretted was from the 200 to 250.2. Slow and lumpy by comparison with the nimble 200.



Blimey, can i ask where you are, thatā€™s crazy money IME

We live in Staffordshire, hate to think what dentists charge in London.

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