Building Lego

I’ve got that one to do but haven’t got round to it yet. :wink:


I do like that set. Especially as the pianist is (I assume) the legendary Nina.


My own ongoing is :laughing:

About two thirds of way through. Found a few, er, anomalies that I have corrected. I need to go off to the museum in Southampton to see what they’ve done with their (Lego) model.


I’d be sunk with that :scream:
I respect your patience. :wink: :+1:t2:

It’s OK…I could go a lot faster, but I limit myself to 3-4 bags a day, which takes a couple of hours of relaxation. Heck, I’m retired……not much else to do…….other than my PC gaming - Eldar Scrolls, Assassins Creed & Baldur’s Gate….


But the model itself is beautiful….even Sue agrees!!!

Obviously my next task is to convince her that we need the Eiffel Tower model…… (even bigger at 10000 bricks :laughing :laughing: )


Well Done, it looks brilliant, I’m still on box 1 bag 11…

Hey, it’s not a race, it’s an enjoyment! I’m retired, so each day, I can do a couple hours Lego, a couple reading silly novels on kindle, a couple playing PC games……always provided i have completed my “household chores” for the day :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

But it is a beautiful model…and Sue & I ** had thought that Lego’s model of “the most beautiful airplane ever built” was itself a cracker!

**two engineers, I afraid - she’s a mech. eng., and I’m an elect. eng. (so obviously the daughters were ”doomed” from day one!).

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No, I understand that, I had planned to do the same as you, a couple of bags a day, unfortunately work gets in way! interested what anomalies you found, it is a very impressive model.

You absolutely need the Eiffel Tower. We’re having an argument here to get it too. They say we need to hurry before it’s sold out.

The aliexpress copies are a bl@@dy shame.


Agreed! It’s not so much the cost (“spending the kids inheritance” LOL), but where we could actually put the thing once it’s built…. :laughing: . Concorde will be going up on the wall in my bedroom (got the mounting bracket for it) & Titanic is currently sitting in the bay window. But I not sure that S. would be willing to give up one of her knitting machines for the Eifell……duh! but that’s wimmin for ya!

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I’ve promised my kids to put it in the garden house.

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In our case….full of cats! :laughing: :pouting_cat: :pouting_cat:

I was waiting to see (without prejudice) whether you came across the same - in case I had royally screwed up, and had to disassemble half the model! :laughing

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Ah, ok no problem, will crack on with mine and see if I find the same issues :+1:t2:

MB Unimog


Very nice :+1:t2:

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Looks great side lit.