Building Lego

Looks great.
I’ve got this set to build but just need to get round to it.
Great stuff. :+1:t2:

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That Titanic is incredible. Looking forward to watching more progress!


I’ve created a table for the children’s Lego this afternoon. Hopefully they take further initiative and start building a city in spring. As a kid I had 2x3 metres with legos.

This table fits exactly 4 x 8 ground plates. Hay Loop stands.


Something like this, perhaps?

Lake Windermere; Ten square metres apparantly.


The same number of red roses that I Interflora-ed to a young lady that I had met while doing interviews for my company in the early ‘80s.

Perhaps I should present her with the set for our 40th anniversary.


Ooooh! 18+!! Isn’t this a family friendly forum?!


yes! go for it. I’ll assemble mine closer to Valentine’s :wink:

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didn’t realised this was a family friendly forum. thanks for the reminder…LOL :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Respect. :scream: :+1:t2:



Hat off to you, that looks brilliant, sad to say, not done anything to mine, since your last post, due to work commitments, but I am on leave next week, so hopefully get my fingers out and crack on.

What’s next on the build pile.

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Thank you to all for your good wishes.

I spent a very enjoyable few weeks, limiting myself to a couple of hours per day. It is a gigantic, but also a very beautiful model. The designers at Lego have really done themselves proud with this one. I think that the descriptive “awesome” is grossly overused in these “modern social media” times, but I feel that it may be appropriate in this case!

It is interesting in I have now started to look into the history of the ship (and its sisters). Having lived in the Southampton area for sixty plus years, I have always been aware of the “story”, indeed there is a memorial that I have driven past many times, but never stopped to look at. And purely coincidently, my brother send me a box set of DVDs for Xmas from the “Discovery Channel” on this very subject.

I discovered this evening from a “soton-pedia” website that there are, in fact, several memorials around the city of which I was unaware…which both saddens, and shames me! Clearly I have a new project over this year to visit and photograph (where permitted, obviously).

Well I have the Tranquil Garden (10315) that Daughter#1 bought me for Xmas, but really there can only be one….a large Parisian tower thingy……but I have to swing that past my Dearly Beloved first……maybe not trying to push my luck for a few months :smile: (although my DB was very supportive of this one, and Concorde - heck, I can always get her interested on mechanical engineering stuff, after all, she was a Chartered Clankie!)


There’s a good exhibition on the Titanic in the Seacity Museum. In one part there’s a map of the city on the floor with a red dot on the home of each person lost in the sinking. Awful lot of dots on the floor.



I was totally unaware of that museum….despite having walked past it on my way to the footie several times. It’s on my summer bucket list - I think they’ve also got the Lego model!

It’s just one of the many things I have failed to do over the sixty-five years I’ve live here. For example, there’s a Roman Fort - Porchester Castle - literally just down the road. The kids went there several times with the grandparents; Sue & I finally made it there about two years ago!


If you want a musical piece about the White Star Liners you can check out the Kaprekar’s Constant track White Star’s Sunrise from the album Depth Of Field; you have to be partial to side long prog rock epics though!

No problem. Heck, I bought Topographic Oceans on the day of release :laughing:

(Listening to the Kaprekar’s Constant now - oh dear, I’m getting to like it :slight_smile: )


That’s great. Are you listening to the whole album or just the White Star Liners track? I think the first side epic Rosherville better, and again an interesting story/history behind the track.